Ron- Hurting

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A/N: This takes place in 5th year.
Warning- This topic may be sensitive to certain people. (unedited)

Harry, Ron and Hermione were sitting together in one compartment chatting away. They did this every year, for 5 years now. All three of them looked up when they heard a knock sounding on their door.

Harry stood up and opened the door, revealing a very skinny, pale girl.

"Er-... I-I'm sorry i-if I'm interrupting... But er- m-may I s-sit with you guys? E-everywhere e-else is f-full..." She stuttered pathetically.

Harry looked at the two, silence filling the awkward space.

"Oh! Er, if y-you're not c-comfortable with m-me here, I-I totally u-understand!" The girl explained, as her face flushed scarlet.

She was about to step out when she felt someone tug at her wrists.

"No, it's fine. Please, come sit." Harry smiled down at the girl. She smiled sheepishly in return. She brought her very old and tattered looking trunk and laid it gently on the floor. She sat nearest the door and looked at her lap, trying not to interrupt them.

Ron took the time to get a good look at the girl. Her robes were ripped, some were sewed up, but it didn't cover most of the holes on her robes. Her shoes were broken, as the straps were no longer attached to the sides. She was extremely skinny, and he noticed her hair was messy and looked knotted to no end.

"So, I'm Harry Potter, that's Hermione Granger and that's Ron Weasley. What's you're name?" Harry smiled gently towards the girl. She looked up and she smiled sheepishly.

"Oh I know. I'm Y/n Y/l/n." The girl replied in a soft whisper. Like her voice couldn't get louder than that.

"What house are you in Y/n?" Hermione asked Y/n.

Y/n felt a sting in her chest but ignored it, since she was quite used to it.

"I-I'm actually in G-Gryffindor." The girl stated. The three immedietly looked incredibly guilty.

"We're so sor-" they were cut off by a soft chuckle coming from the girl.

"It's alright really. I'm used to it." She brushed it off as the three sat in silence once again.


"Anything from the trolley? Anything from the trolley dear?" The four Gryffindors heard from out their compartment.

Y/n's eyes lit up but almost immedietly fell, as if she realized something. Still, the girl stood up with a glint of hope in her eyes.

"Excuse me? How much is the licorice wand?" She bit her lip.

"Well that would be a Galleon, dear." The trolley witch smiled kindly at her. Y/n nearly screamed in joy, as she had enough to enjoy the sweet.

She handed over her Galleon as she got a licorice wand in return. The trolley witch went off, and as she was about to go back into the compartment she was just in, her sweet was snatched from her hands. She looked up and saw the infamous; Draco Malfoy.

"Draco- p-please! T-that's a-all I c-can have! P-please-" the girl tried pleading with the boy.

"Hmmm... How about... No? Y/l/n, I could afford thousands of these. And you? Can barely even afford 2!" The boy smirked and walked off with her licorice wand in her mouth.

She sulked back into the compartment.

You see, Y/n Y/l/n's father passed when she was 13. Her mother couldn't handle the grief, soshe resorted to alcohol, spending nearly all of their money on the liquid. Y/n was left with no money left to help her survive. On holidays, she rarely ate. She could barely afford her school books, and she couldn't afford new robes.

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