Draco- Transfer

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A/N: Hi ! This contains some violence scenes sooo yeah. Also I know this most likely doesn't happen at Hogwarts but just go with it. XD
Y/h/m= your housemate


You were walking down the halls as you struggled to keep your heavy rimmed glasses up the bridge of your nose, as well as at the same time, attempting to balance your books in your hands.

You rushed into Snape's Classroom, and as expected, you were the only one there. Letting out a sigh of relief, you headed towards the back of the classroom and sat down. No one ever noticed you before, and you weren't planning on changing that.

You sprawled out the homework of your 'friends'. You checked each one over, and nodded with satisfaction. You made sure the answers were similar, but not too similar. Suddenly, books and notebooks and other things were slammed down next to you, causing you to jump and look at the things then slowly trail up to a smirking Draco Malfoy.

You could feel the heat running up your neck, so you decided to just look away.

You saw out of the corner of your eye, Draco lifted his feet up and turned to you.

"Hey. I'm Draco Malfoy. You are?"

You were shocked. You slowly turned your head and gave him a confused gaze. You blinked then decided to give him a reply.

"Y-y/n." You stuttered out.

"Y/n... Thats a-"

"I'm sorry but, do you need help with homework or something?"

He tilted his head back, and laughed loudly. You shrunk in your chair as you looked down and used your hair as a shield to hide your face, that was slowly heating up. His laughter died down, and you heard a low chuckle. You felt two fingers snake under your chin and lift your head up. Your eyes met his grey eyes.

"Sorry, love. You're just really funny." He smirked and leaned back. You nodded and still wondered why he was there.

"Are you a transfer? Because I would like to show you around sometime." He winked. You looked at him confused.

"Sorry?" You said shocked. You looked at him confused. He smirked and nodded.

"So wha-"

"Ms. Y/l/n." Your head snapped to the front of the class as your eyes met with Professor Snape's, as he narrowed his eyes at you. You gulped.

"Y-yes P-profesor?"

"May I ask you to not waste any of your precious time no matter how much you want to chitchat with Mr. Malfoy. 20 points from y/h."

You could hear the groans of multiple of your housemates' groans. You shrunk in your chair as you feared what the outcome would be.

Draco looked at you weirdly as he noticed your sudden change in mood.


Snape finally dismissed the class and you hurriedly started to gather your things.

"Hey. What's wrong?" Draco gently held your wrist. Your eyes travelled down to his hand and you blushed slightly before looking away.

"I'm sorry, Malfoy. But, if you need help with homework, I've got too much for me to deal with. I'm sorry." You mumbled as you rushed out of the classroom, hoping you can make it to the library safely.

"Well well. Look what we have here!" You looked up and visibly paled as you saw y/h/m. He would always be the one to make sure you paid for whatever you did to damage y/h or when he wanted to release some anger, his punching bag would always be you.

"P-please. I-I'm s-so s-s-sorry!" You pleaded with him, as his sweet smile disappeared and was replaced with a glare. You whimpered backed away.

"Why did you have to do that? Huh? Are you trying to make us lose you pathetic nerd?!" He shoved you back hard as your back hit the wall with so much force, causing you to groan in pain and fall to the floor.

"Aw, is someone hurt?"

You started feeling a bunch of kicks being sent to your back, causing you to scream a bit because of the pain. Your books had sprawled out on the floor, and the homeworks you spent hours on, were flying away somewhere off into the halls. The kicking stopped and you felt a force lift you up by your collar. You kept your head down.

"Never," punch

"Ever," punch

"Do that," punch

"Again." punch

You fell to the floor, feeling so much pain. In the process of y/h/m beating you, your glasses had flown off. He stepped on them as he walked away, making sure they were very hard to fix, if you couldn't see. You picked up the remains of your glasses and tried to fix what you could. You squinted your eyes, and tried your best to aim your wand correctly. You sighed in relief as you were able to fix it. You gathered your books, ignoring the pain, and stood up to rush to the library.


You were sitting alone in one table, as you were rewriting all of the homeworks you've lost. You sighed as your hand started to cramp. You put down your quill and decided to lay your head down.


You jumped at hearing the familiar voice. You looked up and saw Draco Malfoy.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He said sheepishly as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Is this seat taken?"

You shook your head as you moved your things out of the way. He sat down happily as he turned to you. His smile dropped as it turned into a frown. Your heart started to beat rapidly. Was he going to hurt you?

"Y/n, what-" he raised his hand towards your face, as you flinched and covered your face as you prepared for the impact. The one that never came. You slowly lifted your head up, to see Draco sitting there with his jaw open. You blushed slightly and looked away sheepishly.

"D-did... Did you think I was going to hit you?"

"Y-yes." You replied softly as you didn't turn to him. You felt his hands go to your waist, as he pulled you in for a hug. You wrapped your arms around him as you cried into his robe.

"Shh... It's alright, love. Everything's okay. I'm here..." he cooed as he kissed your hair. You smiled slightly as you pulled away and smiled at him.

"Thank you, Draco." You wiped your eyes and sat close next to him, with your head lying on his shoulder, completely forgetting about the things you needed to do.


"Thanks, Draco." You grinned at him. He smiled and nodded. You gathered your things, and you were about to walk out when you smirked and turned to him.

"Oh by the way, I'm not a transfer. I've been here since 1st year." You laughed silently as his jaw dropped and you walked away happily as you ran to the y/h common room.

A/N: Wahh! I hope that was okay! :')

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