Drarry- Indifference

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hello!! this is super late but my writers block was so bad i couldn't get anything written,, but !!! here's my late christmas/new years surprise! >_< i hope you all had a good holiday and continue to stay safe and wear your masks <3

TRIGGER WARNING-- mentions of neglect

NOTE-- this is the first time im writing something like this so i hope you all enjoy! this is also set in a muggle setting :3 any homophobia under this post will be blocked/deleted. please be nice !

SONG-- Line Without A Hook; Ricky Montgomery


IN THIS WORLD, INDIFFERENCE makes you as good as dead. Stay low, blend in. That's just how life works. Standing out did more bad than good, the only option was to stick to yourself, be normal.

"Baby!" The soft voice called out to Draco, eyes meeting the brown orbs of his girlfriend. It was strange how he never felt the butterflies everyone seemed to be talking about, though he didn't really seem to care. Draco had always known Pansy had feelings for him, so when their parents set the two up, he wasn't all that surprised.

"Hey." His voice came out hesitant, he didn't ever know how to act around her. He pulled his lips into a smile as he felt her arms wrap around his torso.

"Have you heard? Daddy's buying me a new apartment!" Gushing, her arms wrapped tighter around his waist causing him to wince. Awkwardly, he lifted his arm to gently pat her head. "That's great, Pansy."

Huffing, the small girl glares up at Draco, confusing him to the core. "I told you to call me baby! Anything but my name."

Sighing, he nods. He really had no other choice, but calling her such words seem to bother him. They didn't feel right. They never did even when they rolled off her tongue. She smiles, letting go of his waist as she plops over to his bed. Draco carefully eyes her as she pulls out her cell, tapping a few things here and there.

"Hey girl! Listen, you'll never believe what dad decided to get me--!"

Her voice seemed to fade into nothing as he zoned out, his eyes wandering over to his coat hanging on the wooden door. Snapping to reality, he turns to his girlfriend, finding her pretty much occupied with whoever she was on the phone with. Sighing to himself, he heads over and grabs his coat, swiftly shutting the door behind him.


"It's bloody cold out here." Draco mutters to himself, shoving his freezing hands into the pockets of his long coat. The city before him illuminated the night, pure white snow falling from the sky and concealing the ground. He could hear the joyous laughter coming from the town nearby, watching as families and friends happily celebrated Christmas. 

He had never really celebrated Christmas, his parents were both CEOs of their own company after all, making time for him seemed to be at the end of their to-do list. Draco never really minded though, Pansy not bothering to celebrate with him was just a bonus.

His gray eyes filled with wonder as he entered the bright town. Shops scattered all across the roads, christmas jingles being played softly accompanying the chatter of the crowds that had decided to spend the night out.

"Oh shoot! I'm so sorry!" A stuffy voice came out of nowhere as heat started engulf Draco's chest. "Agh! What the--"

His eyes met a pair of emerald ones as the burning feeling seemed to fade away. He was transfixed by the boy in front of him, most of his hair hidden by a beanie. A little floof sat on top, though some of his hair still managed to peak through and fall across his eyes. His cheeks tinted red as he panicked over the spilled hot chocolate.

"Sir--! I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you..." His shy voice came out worried as he stared at the dark path of liquid staining Draco's shirt. "Er... It's alright." He stuttered, scratching the back of his neck as he continued to keep his eyes fixed on the boy in front of him.

"Oh no it got on your coat too..." The black haired boy mumbled as he gently grabbed Draco's wrist and sat him down at a nearby bench. "I'll get you my coat! I think I have an extra one--"

"No--! It's honestly fine." Draco laughed, feeling his cheeks burn as he could feel the goosebumps spreading across his skin. He had never felt this giddy before, confusing him. He ignored this though, enjoying the male sitting opposite him's presence.

"A-are you sure?" 

"Instead of a coat, how 'bout a name instead?" Draco let out a soft smirk, watching as the shorter boy grow flustered at the question. He had no idea where he had gotten the confidence to talk to this stranger like this, but he was certainly enjoying it.

Fiddling with his fingers, the male's cheeks tinted red as he avoided Draco's soft gaze. "H-harry."

Smiling, Draco reached for his hand and shook it. He could feel the goosebumps once again, his lips curling into a smile. 

"Well. Nice to meet you Harry! I'm Draco."


"What's your favorite color?" Draco's question tumbled out of his mouth, honestly not caring what he had asked at that point. All he wanted was more time with his new friend.

"Hmm. I'm not too sure. Blue?" Harry whispered, staring out at the view the two had ahead of them. Their mindless walking led them on top of a hill, overlooking the bright lights coming from the city.

11:57 pm.

The phone light lit up Draco's face for a second, before he stashed it into his pocket once more. He turned towards the male next to him, only to find him staring straight at him. "You?"

Even in the darkness, he could see the bright pink that had settled itself onto Harry's cheeks, never seeming to leave. "Black, possibly."

"That's... Kind of sad. Why?" Harry had grew to be comfortable around the attractive man he had bumped into, he hadn't known why Draco had show interest in him, though he didn't mind. He felt he could talk to him for forever.

"I guess I grew up around it. The dark, I mean." Draco murmurs, staring at the grass beneath them. The lingering scent of hot chocolate amused him as Harry watched him with curious eyes.

"You weren't scared of the dark?" His question comes out soft, curious. Draco had never opened up to anyone like this before, so his concern for him caught him off guard.

"Well it was all I had. So instead of fearing it, I befriended it." Draco let out a lopsided smile as he met the boy's gaze once more, expecting to find disgust or amusement in his eyes.

To his surprise, he saw neither. He saw worry; concern.

"What about the light?" 


"I've never... I've never seen it." Draco murmurs, finding the conversation odd. He hadn't expected to feel this vulnerable around the boy.


Harry was silent for a moment, allowing himself to scoot over. Closer to where Draco sat, confusing him.

"W-what if... I can be your light?" 

The question surprises Draco as he sits stunned. He gets lost in his eyes, watching as they flicker towards his lips.


He sits frozen, eyes wide. His heart beat out of his chest, the butterflies finally arriving in the pit of his stomach.

Harry was kissing him.


waaah i finished! it's late here but here it is! i hope you all enjoyed :3 did you guys enjoy this or should i stick to x readers loll




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