Draco- Veela

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A/N- This was requested by the lovely XSoieaX check her out!

You were at the Quidditch World cup screaming your heart out for the Bulgarian Team. You see, you were a Veela. You could feel alot of eyes on you. That was usal considering you were, well a Veela.

Once the game ended, you sulked to your locker rooms as the Bulgarian team lost. You changed into normal clothes, meaning jeans and a shirt. You carried your bag and headed out. You managed to walk to your tent but not before bumping into someone. You felt a strong arm place itself on your waist to prevent you from stopping. You look up and see a beautiful blonde boy with grey eyes.

"You need to be more careful." He said with a smirk plastered on his face.

"О, съжалявам." You said in your thick Bulgarian accent. (Oh, sorry.)

"Oh I don't speak Bulgarian." He said letting you stand up on your own.

"Oh. I said I was sorry. I'm Y/l/n. Y/n Y/l/n." You said holding out your hand for him to shake.
But instead he took it and brought it up to his mouth and placed a gentle kiss on it.

"I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." He said smirking as he saw your pink tinted cheeks.

It all stopped once the green light came upon the sky and men with cloaks raided the tents starting fires.

"What's happening?!" You screamed as a man tried to take you.

"Expelliarmus!" Draco screamed stunning the man as you ran to him.

"Draco-" you tried talking but he cut you off.

"Run, Y/n. Go somewhere safe. I'll find you again. Please owl me." With that he gave you a card with his name and address as he ran away.

You took off in the other direction with only one thing motivating you.

That was the blonde boy you met at the Quidditch World Cup.

Time skip to the when the two schools came in

Your POV:
It has been about a month since the Quidditch World Cup. Draco and I have been owling non-stop since then. I couldn't seem to get the blonde boy out of my mind.

We were arriving at Hogwarts. Oh I should probably tell you this, I'm the only girl in Drumstrang. Haha. Funny right? The only reason I'm in this school is my Father is the one of the teachers there and I was accepted thsre. I'm excited to arrive at Hogwarts and make new friends.

Once we entered, people gave me dreamy looks but others gave confused ones. My y/e/c eyes roamed the room. 4 tables were placed. One with kids sitting with Red and Gold robes. One with Blue and White. One with Yellow and Black. And one with Green and Silver. I was attracted to the one with Green and Silver. I scanned the table when I saw a head with platinum blonde hair. Draco. I smiled at him and he noticed me. He excitedly smiled back at me as I walked with the boys.

When we were welcomed I practically ran to Draco.

"Draco!" I laughed as he stood and hugged me tightly.

"Hey Y/n! I'm so glad to see you!" You smiled and your cheeks turned pink. You quickly sat down and started talking with Draco.

Time skip to after the tournament/the end of the year

"I'm really going to miss you." You sighed as you hugged him.

"I'm going to miss you too!" He smiled as he handed you a small Green box and pecked your cheek. When he pulled away he smirked at your rosy cheeks.

He pointed behind you. As you looked around you saw the ship boarding your classmates. After one last hug and goodbye you ran for the ship.

Once on the ship, you opened Draco's gift. Inside was a beautiful bracelet and a note saying;

Dear Y/n,
I was too much of a coward to say this at Hogwarts so here we go.
I like you a lot....

Will you be my girlfriend?

Owl me your letter.

Draco x

You smiled as you quickly thought of your reply.


A/N- I'm pretty sure I got this from someone... I can't remember who. But if its yours credits to you!

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