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++Niall is on tour woke up extremely early in the middle of the night feeling really sick. He felt to Lethargic and weak to move. He knew he had a high fever, a bad stomach ache and a really bad migraine. He ended up getting sick all over his bunk ,and a bout of diarrhea. All he could do was lay still and cry. By the time Liam woke up about 4am. They had a big day today about 6 Interviews 3 radio interview, soundcheck and a show. Liam begin to wake up the boys. He as to niall he discovered he got ill in the middle of the night. He gets the Others up calls Paul and then to check how bad niall is... Added 1-29-15

All the boys are working extremely hard lately and are booked solid for three months. They have shows, Photo shoots. Radio interviews, tv shows, magazine interviews, meet n greet and quite a few awards shows. The boys are exaggerated, Niall is the first to fall down with the flu and strep throat as well as the Flu. Then the others follow. This goes on for a while till the fans start to Tweet about it. Then the parents came to them on tour to make sure the boys get time off... Added 2-8-15

The boys are now in their thirties still a band and going strong. They're on for their 10th album. Niall's wife Natalie Horan found out she pregnant with their. 8th child. Harry and his wife Emma Styles is just found out she pregnant with their 4th child.Liam and his Wife Lydia are on their second child. Zayn and Perrie are getting ready for their Sixth. They are stressed and fall ill... Added 2-8-15.

All five boys fall ill with the flu and while they are in the USA recording their 5th album... Added 2-8-15

Lewis comes down with Mono, As well as the flu. While One Direction is in Greenland.They have shows and many other engagements. He pushed himself as best as he can. Until the others get this as well starting with Harry then the rest. It gets so bad that they are sent to Ireland because it the closest to Greenland... Added 2-8-15

Niall on tour with one direction. He wakes up with a really bad stomach cramps and is so bloated and extremely constipated. He has a really high fever. He has really paid flu has. And he is so sick to his stomach. added 2-9-15

Niall waking up sick one night on the bus. He has small twinge in his lower back. He keep a eye on it. About a few month later his back is worse. He has ignored the pain. Until Germany

When they are in a van on the Autobahn when he in too much pain to sit. He feels sick and has a height fever. The can't leave the highway for at least 8 hours. And the whole time Niall needs to pee but can't. It turns out to be a bladder and kidney infection. Added 2-9-15

💝 With Valentine's Day coming Harry and Niall are left on the sidelines they are forced to watch Liam, Louis and Zayn run around and plan what they are doing for their love's. Both Harry and Niall are extremely sad and lonely. The can hide it very well. That neither Harry or Niall do not even know. They are both giving up on love. They think no one is out there for them. The day of Valentine's day They both hiding away from everyone. They cry till they fall asleep. The boys begin to worry why they have not heard from them. In the morning the go find them a mess. Niall ends up sick as a dog and harry sick with the flu and ulcers and extremely upset. Now the boys help them to get better. They are better Two much later. Now they work on finding them a girl.💝 added 2-9-15.

The Boys of One Direction have a secret they love age play. When not working. Harry and Niall are 2 months, Liam and Louis are 1and Zain is 18 months. The boys are so tired and get sick on tour all together with the flu Ed Sheehan and James Cordon are the are El Perrie and Sofia. They still are dating the boys and to make matters worse all three girls just found out they are Six weeks pregnant Harry is engaged to a beautiful gal named Emma who is also pregnant but is There weeks. And Niall is in love with Nora who pregnant but does not know it. All five girls have really bad morning sickness... added2-9-15

The boys of one direction are so tired and stressed and sick on tour. After Zayn leaving added 6-27-15

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