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The boys of one direction are sitting in the conference room having their writing session for the next album . Harry woke up this morning with this small stomachache has now escalated into the flu he feels extremely sick has a major headache extremely cold has a really bad fever every 20 minutes he's been vomiting this horrible diarrhea but he's not allowed to leave for management has locked one direction in the room not letting them leave until they have 50% of the album written Harry's not having the best of luck trying to come up with stuff . After all he's also trying not to get sick luckily there's a bathroom in this conference room and Harry's basically spent the whole day in the bathroom . At 3 AM management has just came and checked in one direction and noticed Harry laying down in the bathroom wondering what is going on when Niall said well Harry and up getting sick Harry was sick all day and didn't get much done the rest of the boys got in trouble for not getting stuff done as well finally after management check on what they have written which was pretty good but could've been a better session day got to go home at 6 AM to be back at noon . They help Perrie into the van take him home and check him out turns out he had fever of hundred and five. But the boys were warned if Harry is not back at the studo. The whole band would be written up. When the boys got back to the studio Harry still was sick is not doing well at all in the middle of the afternoon about 4 o'clock Carrie passes out after he had a seizure they called Simon and he called the office talk to the head of management yelling at them of what the heck is going on to let Harry become the sick Simon calls ambulance from California end they ended up going to the hospital once they got to the hospital... Added 8-11-15

The boys of one direction are sitting in the conference room having a writing session for the next Niall woke up this morning the small stomachache that has now escalated into the flu he feels extremely sick has a major headache and he's extremely cold and has a really bad fever and has been vomiting and diarrhea every 20 minutes he is and has horrible diarrhea, but he's not allowed to leave for management has locked one direction in the room not letting them leave until they have 50% of the album written. Niall not having the best of luck trying to come up with stuff come up with stuff . After all he's trying not to get sick luckily there's a bathroom in this conference room and Niall basically ended up spending the whole day in the bathroom getting sick and having diarrhea at 3 AM management just came to check on one direction and noticed Niall Laying done in the bathroom wondering what's going on when Harry told him what's wrong with Niall and that he's been getting sick all day and didn't get much done as well the rest of boys got in trouble for not getting stuff done as well finally checked on what they have written it was pretty good but not the best it could've gone better today the boys got up got to go home at 6 AM only to be back at noon they have Niall into the van took them home and check them out turns out he had a fever of the hundred and five but the boys were weren't warned if now is not back in the studio the whole band will be written up the boys got back to the studio Niall still was extremely sick and is not doing well at all in the middle of the afternoon about 4 o'clock Niall passes out after he had a seizure they called Simon and he called the office and talk to management yelling at them to find out why the heck this was going on and why they were treating him the way they are now the that. The end it was Simon who ended up calling for the ambulance all the way from California and wants to go to the hospital this is what happened ... Added 8-11-15

(Since this is a long prompt please add Liam and Louis to this plot as well. Same Sentenario just change the prompt to add it is Liam or Louis are the one sick instead)

Harry is diagnosed with Parkinson's in the middle of tour ... Added 8-11-15

Liam is diagnosed with Parkinson's in the middle of the tour... Added 8-11-15

Niall diagnosed with Parkinson's in the middle of tour Is diagnosed with Parkinson's in the middle of tour ... Added 8-11-15

Louis is diagnosed with Parkinson's the middle of tour...Added 8-11-15

ONE DIRECTION SICK FANFICTION PROMPTS!!!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now