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The spring has begun. This season Harry's Allergies are worsening. He has been sick now for 8 weeks now. He is so busy with writing for his first solo album as well as with the guys writing the next album. He has now had ten sinus infections. 15 single ear infections and 10 double ear infections. He has high fevers and many asthma attacks. His hay fever is really bad.  Then there are the Headaches and migraines. Some so severe and so painful that he can not leave his bed.But Management thinks because it allergies he is ok. That is until the beginning of summer. Harry is so sick and compacted with snot and phlegm and thick mucus. He can not breathe without coughing. His ears are so bad both his eardrums burst. He is in meetings when his eardrums burst. He passes out from not being able to breath. And fluid is filling up in both lungs. He has a fever of 107.5. He distrusted to the hospital in Sweden. Turns out he is so sick that he needs surgery... Added 4-3-16

Niall is on tour in the bus with Cryptococcosis...Added 4-7-16

Harry is on the the bus with Cryptococcosis... Added 4-7-16

Liam is on the bus with Cryptococcosis...Added 4-7-16

Louis is on the bus with Cryptococcosis... Added 4-7-16

One of the boys on tour developers Sjögren's Syndrome... Added 4-21-16

Liam kidneys are failing while on tour... Added4-24-16

Harry was having a hard time today. The bus toilet has been broken since last night. Harry in a video shoot recording their new video. The just finished and released their 6 Album: Fly Away. But Harry has a problem he has to Pee bad. The boys always just tease him or get irritated when he has to stall everything. And since Harry just in a really cranky bad mood today. He just does not speak up. He now has become a step away from wetting himself. He is giving himself a really bad Stomach Ache and Headache. But this time he just quiet and kept to himself. His body kept leaking at this point. Then it was his turn his part of his solo. He ended up sneezing hard at the wrong time.He feels himself just let go . He ended up wetting his pants completely He so irritated at himself. That he just gives up and finished going. That what gets the boys worried. Why did he not say something. They noticed his bad mood. Harry on the other hand just begins cry. He not feeling good and just want to be done with this day. A day later he falls really sick. Two weeks later he end up having a really bad Bladder and Kidney Infection as well as a Uti... Added 4-23-16

Niall is stuck at the studio he has not been felling well at all. He in fact woke up with a high fever and a extremely bad upset stomach. He has been in the studio for hours now. Management is being unbearable with the boys. Harry has already had a accident. Luckily someone had clothes for him. Louis and Liam just went in a trash can. Niall on the other hand felt he had to vomit as well as go Pee. He managed to hold off for a while now. But at this moment he feels himself loose his battle with his bladder as well as his stomach. He also developed diarrhea so severe. He jus gives up in the recording booth. He so embarrassed and just feels so uncomfortable... Added 5-7-16

Liam is sick and has a extremely bad Bladder and kidney and Uti Infection. They are at a photo shoot where there is no bathroom. He has to go and it killing him he is in so much pain. He tries to go in a trashcan in the dressing room. But can not go. Added 5-23-16

Louis has to Pee now for six hours. Management got on the boys case for leaving the concert to Pee. If the boys left the stage at my time they would be fined heavily. Louis has been very sick that day. And during the concert he developed diarrhea. It was pure liquid and it was a lot. Louis begin panicking when he sat down in the middle of the show. Liam saw that something just not right with Louis. He walks over in time for him to vomit on stage. Louis has not been able to Pee because of his uti and bladder infection... Added 5-23-16 (please note these are from my new book One Direction Omorashi fiction prompt book. I just added a sick element to it as well)

Lance is on tour when he caught a nasty flu virus and spread it to the boys and everyone on the whole tour including Backstreet Boys and New kids on the block as well as One Direction. When management finds out fans are getting sick. They are postponing the tour to get everyone well again and disinfect everything. It takes then Eight months because it keeps going around and everyone keeps getting it over again...Added 5-23-16

Harry is sitting in a tight van stuck for 8 hours now. With the three other boys with him. He is so uncomfortable and miserable that he about to cry. He has a fever of 104.2 he is very sick to his stomach. Has a migraine and he is so desperate to Pee. But because of how many time caused the boys being late before. Management would not let the boys be late today. They had so much to do and it's extremely important they get these done now. Harry is now past the point of losing control. Of his bowels, Stomach and bladder. Harry has no energy what so ever. He has not told anyone just how bad he is. He sits up and begins crying and all help broke. He just lays his head on Liam's Shoulders and sobs... Added 5-23-16

After being diagnosed with Acid Reflux in the middle of the new tour with One Direction. Niall has to learn that there will be bad days. Niall goes though the struggle of living with it. Then right before the tour ends in less then a month. He falls extremely sick with a stomach bug. And it flares up his Asthma but also his Reflux. Niall ends up going to the hospital three weeks later... Added 10-27-16

Harry become extremely sick on tour after the death of his Step Dad Robin... Added 7-19-17

Louis Tomlinson just lost his Mother To cancer. He is a single father to Freddie Tomlinson. He is mourning the loss extremely hard. He not only raising his son but staying at his childhood family home helping Dan for awhile. He not doing well. He is so upset loosening his mum. That he ends up crying hysterically at night. When he thinks everyone asleep. During the day he faking being strong and comforting each siblings. He is struggling with Freddie Doris and Ernest after all they are the Youngest. His siblings know he is not well. As time goes on he becomes extremely desperate for his mom. Louis ends up so weak and sick. It takes a bad night with his son to scare Dan. It takes his family as well as his One Direction family to pick him back up. Anne Karen Patricia and Maura comes and stays at the Tomlinson/Deakin household for awhile... Added 7-25-17

Harry becomes bladder shy after a fall damages his bladder and Kidney. It during the tour Harry has to learn to hold his urine. Through out the tour he becomes sick with Bladder Kidney and Uti Infections after infections. When the Media begins to pick up on this. Harry becomes so stressed and breaks. As the year go on it causes more damaged to the point he needs to have emergency surgery on both Kidneys and Bladder. That he has to go though therapy and wear catheters. He refuses to cancel the tour. Once his bladder is better. He is taken off his catheter. Then the stress of training the bladder begins. Accidents mishaps and stress really messed with Harry to the point he becomes sick...Added 7-26-17

Niall wakes up in the middle of the night in his hotel room. Extremely sick to his stomach. To even move from his spot in bed. His stomach shot out projection style as well as his bowels released. He had a fever of 105.8 and hurt felt horrendous. With a fever this high he becoming increasingly worried. He is too weak to get help. Later he falls back to sleep but vomits though out the rest of the night. In the morning he is choking on vomit when Harry came to wake him up. Ends up calling 911 before even getting help... Added 8-5-17

All four boys come down with strep throat, laryngitis as well as a serious throat infection. As well as a violent stomach Virus. While they are  on tour. That was beginning to spread to the whole crew's well They become so sick . That management decided it best to shut down tour for a few months. They knew they needed to sterilize the stage as well as everything on tour. They sent the boys to a house that they rented. It took three months for the boys were well enough to start touring again. But two months later a another nasty virus begin to make it way to the boys. Making them ever sIcker then before... Added 8-16-17

Harry is extremely sick when his stepdad Robin died. He not taking it to well... Added 2-20-18

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2019 ⏰

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