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Louis falls onstage, he tripped over a wire. Because of how weak you feels. He is not been feeling well all day today. He ended up hitting his head hard on the stage floor and split his head open and begins to throw up. Paul ended up calling ambulance and tests are being done to figure out what is wrong... Added 7-20-15

Niall been feeling like he's going to pass out onstage any minute. THE boys a one direction are in the middle of singing steel my girl. He feels very hot very sweaty and extremely dizzy hands up sitting on the stairs so the rest of the boys could finish the song . But also for Niall to try to control his stomach as he feels like he's gonna throw up. 10 minutes later it turns out that he does need to throw up he starts coughing right after he sat down on the stage . Suddenly why they're still saying he drops is microphone runs backstage find tasking is extremely sick and while he's getting sick he passes out . . . Added 7- 20 - 15

Harry is sick and falls into a coma . .. ... Added 7-20-15

Louis is in a car accident because, Liam is taking him to see the doctor and ends up in a coma ........ Added 7-20-15

Liam is with Louis in the car on the way to the doctor. Because Louis feels like he's going to be sick again. So Liam tries to drive and pull off the side of the road. SO Louis doesn't get sick in his car but ends up being in a bad car accident and passes out and falls into a coma. Added 7-21-15

Niall wakes up coughing a lot . He feels like he's going to be sick , he gets up trying to run to the bathroom but he trips and falls, and hits his head giving him a major headache and falls into a coma. Added 7-21-15

Liam is poisoned by a fan while at a meet n greet...... Added 7-21-15

Niall has been poisoned by an employee at Nindo's. Added 7-21-15

Harry gets poisoned during a concert. 7-21-1

Louis is poison by eating a bag of carrots. Added 7-21-15

Niall has been very thirsty lately. He's been drinking too much water a couple weeks go by manager on tour make some get checked out . IT turns out from the test that he has diabetes Added 7-21-15

Louis gets a call that Eleanor was hit by a car. and she is in the hospital in ICU for about three days . Louis left tour so that he could be by her side back in England. Louis had decided he was going to stay the whole time he never ate slept. He only ended getting up and going to the restroom when his need was so bad he had no choice to go. AFTER the funeral he found out she was pregnant for to two months with his child she never told him and that idea made himself sick with the loss. THE boys decided to end the tour well postponement it until next year so that they could come home and take care of Louis. Simon's. REST of the boys families all helped out Jay ended up renting a house nearby in London just so that she could be by his side to help . Zayn and his family was also there to help. Eleanor's family stuff by his side but nothing was helping at all do we was stuck in his own world crying singing in writing but never talking then out of eight months he begins living again but he ends up being really sick and weak because he has not taken care of himself and has to get better now . Now he struggling to live again. Added 7-21-15

Liam get a call that says both Dani and Sophia were hit by a car while they were crossing the street to continue shopping together. when the car struck them head on. Dani ended up passing away on site. Due to to many Injuries. Sophia was on life-support in ICU on the brink of death. Liam is on tour across the world when this happened. All three were great friends. Liam leaves tour to go be by his fiancés side. The boys stayed where they were Until Karen called them to tell him to come home a nd help her with Liam. He ends up being sick and not taking care of himself until he finds out what what's gonna happen to Sophia..... Added 7-21-15

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