⇢ Detention ೃ࿔

651 20 13

If they were outside they'd be able to hear crickets. While their homeroom teacher sat at her desk, both Taehyung and Jungkook sat in silence. Occasionally the friction between paper and paper echoed in the room. The teacher continued to grade papers while both males ignored each other. Well tried.

It was only 5 minutes that passed, yet both boys already wanted to leave. Suddenly, the sound of a bag opening echoed through the room. Pulling out a notebook and a pen, Taehyung sat them on the table and closed his bag once again. He figured since he had nothing to do, he'd figure out how to get Jungkook to settle down. He knew it wasn't going to be easy. Not even close. He was only given a month. How the fuck was he supposed to get Jungkook to settle down in a month? The older male sighed in frustration and sat back in his seat already giving up.

Jungkook, who's now playing games on his phone scoffed at Taehyung's dramatic sigh. "I'm pretty sure whatever you're doing over there isn't that fucking hard" he chuckled.

Taehyung wanted to ignore him but giving in he scoffed at the younger as well. "I'm pretty sure getting a spoiled ass brat like you to settle down isn't fucking easy" he rolled his eyes.

Jungkook hummed, a bit amused that Taehyung was finding it hard. Maybe this was his way to get revenge for what he did. Be a complete brat and fuck Taehyung's chance at a good record.

Sitting up, Jungkook looked at Taehyung, now fully invested. "Well, I wish you luck brethren." Jungkook laughed.

Taehyung looked up at him. His arms folded, and a serious look on his face. Annoyed was a major understatement. Jungkook felt his insides turn the way Taehyung glared at him from his seat. If there was anything Jungkook couldn't lie about, it was how handsome Taehyung actually was. This was his first time looking straight at the older's face. He didn't fail to notice how symmetrical Taehyung's features were.

Taehyung who's been staring at him for quite a while now, loved how red Jungkoo- wait why was he getting red..?

Jungkook looked down at Taehyung's chest that was exposed then looked back up to his eyes, only now realizing that he was staring for too long. Averting his eyes he looks to the teacher then back to his phone. "Fuck are you staring at..?"

Taehyung chuckled at that. He figured out Jungkook's weak spot. He's either gay, or really has a thing for being put in his place. Don't ask how Taehyung got to those extreme conclusions. If Taehyung wanted to get Jungkook to settle down and behave, a good way to do that was getting the younger to like him.

Taehyung wrote that down. Jungkook looked at the older male writing, hiding the worried look on his face with his phone. "What.. what are you writing?" the younger male asked, trying not to sound desperate to know.

Taehyung merely shrugged. Before they knew it the 20 minutes was up and it was time for them to go.

"Okay boys, you have a wonderful rest of your day." The teacher got up and started to pack. Immediately both of them grabbed their belongings and started out of the classroom. Taehyung placed his hands in his pockets and followed Jungkook out to the parking lot. He wanted to know how Jungkook would be getting home.

The parking lot was quite empty considering it was after school hours. Taehyung looked around for his car. After finding it he looks towards Jungkook. The younger male was walking towards a black car. Maybe his dad or something.

Walking away he unlocked the doors to his car and got in, driving off to his after school job. Taehyung hated how long it took to get there, but after transferring schools he had no choice but to travel the long distance, yes this cut off his time for work but unless he wanted his two moms to come get him then he'd better behave. This was why he needed to keep his record clean, and Jungkook was making it hell.

Walking into the shop he greets the old man and took his place in the back where be practiced sculpting and pottery. Each successful art piece he made was sold in his shop. If you guess right, majority of them was made by him. Taehyung has been sculpting since he was ten. Almost all his spare time was spent either skate boarding and hanging out with his friend or sculpting.

His shift would end in 3 hours and he'd get to meet his only friend, that he used to attend the same schools with. He's been friends with him since he got adopted. They learned and did everything together up until Taehyung started sculpting. While Taehyung enjoyed sculpting, his bestfriend enjoyed playing instruments more. Today they planned on going to one of their favorite café where their other friend was the owner. It was all about supporting each other in their group.

When 3 hours passed, Taehyung washed up the tools and cleaned up his area. After finishing, he washed his hands and arms the. grabbed his bag walking out to the front.

"I'll see you tomorrow pops."

"Yeah yeah whatever, and don't forget Taehyung be careful don't break a limb" The old man spoke, seeing Taehyung grab his board.

Taehyung nodded and walked outside, dropping the bored and immediately pushing off down the sidewalk. Yoongi didn't live far from the shop, since this is where he used to go to school, so it didn't make sense to take his car.

It only took 5 minutes on his board to get to Yoongi's place. After getting there, he pulls out his keys and lets himself into Yoongi's place, placing his board against the wall before going straight to the fridge.


Taehyung looked into the fridge and scoffed at how empty the fridge is. "How dare they eat all the fucking chocolate pudding."

"You dumbfuck"

Taehyung chuckled at his bestfriend and grabbed a strawberry pudding.

"I should be calling you that, all the fucking chocolate puddings are gone"

Yoongi only scoffed and tiredly walked to their couch plopping down (Don't forget, Yoongs is gender fluid in this book).

"I hope you're ready, I told you we're going out today, you can't be cooped up in bed all day yoongs."

Yoongi groaned and plopped their face in one of the pillows on the couch. Taehyung opened his pudding spooning some into his own mouth. "Plus I doubt you don't wanna see Hobi" He wiggled his eyebrows and laughed a little when the older person shot up off the couch"

"You fucker, you should've said that earlier."

Immediately Yoongi got up and started their way to their bedroom. They wanted to look nice, not for anyone or anything just for themself.

An hour later the older finally walked downstairs only to find Taehyung completely knocked out on their couch. "Uh Tae.. get yo bitchass up before I break your board." That was enough for Taehyung to jump up. Lazily he wipes the drool from his mouth and looks around.

"What time is it..?"

Yoongi looks at their watch and looks towards the other male. "6 now get up before the cafe closes." The younger male sighed and got up. The pudding container was discarded in a near by trash can before he pulled his shoes on and made sure he looked presentable enough. After both of them grabbed their boards, they walked out and Yonngi proceeded to close the door.

"Bad boy" (Taekook | toptae)Where stories live. Discover now