⇢ Wedging ೃ࿔

622 22 11

Long chapter to make up for not posting?- haha..

Thirty minutes later and both of them would've missed Hoseok. Yoongi sighed as they saw the other through the window, wiping the tables down. Knocking on the door Yoongi and Taehyung waited for Hoseok to open the door. It didn't take too long for him to realize his two friends were the ones who knocked and were waiting outside. Stepping on the end of the board, Taehyung flipped the board up into his hand walking in without an invite.

"Way to fucking ask to come in you cumslut" Hoseok scoffed and Taehyung rolled his eyes. "What you should do is focus on the future spouse over there" the younger male replied as he walked behind the counter, not hesitating to raid the café for any kind of muffin.

Hoseok too rolled his eyes, turning towards Yoongi. "Hey wassup Yoongs." Yoongi looked at Hoseok, a silent pause before his reply. "uh.. oh uh.. hi.." The awkward little chuckle made Hoseok smile as he stepped to the side for Yoongi to walk in. Closing the door Hoseok pulled a chair down for Yoongi to sit and gestured towards it. A silent blush creeped unto the other's face, making Taehyung who was watching from the back gag, but also happy that his ship was on the verge of take off. "Thank you" the older spoke softly and sat down.

"You're welcome." The blush on Yoongi's face made Hoseok's confidence rise. Before another pause of silence could grow, Taehyung broke the void, tripping over the mop that was sitting up against the wall. Both Yoongi and Hoseok broke out laughing but Taehyung just jumped up off the floor, slapping both in the back of the head. Instant regret washed over him when they both slapped him upside the head. He should've know not to mess with them, especially since Hoseok would slap him twice for even laying hands on Yoongi.

"That's not fair.." Taehyung faked a frown in which Hoseok scoffed at. "Life isn't fair" the older replied.

All of them hopped into Hoseok's car after he locked the doors. The drive home was silent, Yoongi slept in the back. Taehyung's gaze fell on the lines on the road that the car passed. Hoseok who was once focused on the road as well but for different reasons, glanced over at Taehyung.

There was a long pause before he hummed in a comforting and encouraging way. "I know what you're thinking.

Taehyung immediately felt reassured, smiling as he looked over at the older male for few seconds. He brought his gaze back to outside the window. "I know he replied gently, that's why I feel safe.."

Hoseok laughed a little "If we weren't close I'd kick you out the car for being that fucking corny."

Taehyung scoffed "Yeah I know and that's why you're a fucking asshole."

Hoseok chuckled and stepped on the breaks as they pulled up to a red light.

"How's pottery getting along for you?"

"Came out with a new release today" Taehyung smiled grateful to be distracted from his thoughts.

"Thas wassup, we makin this bank together." Hoseok laughed and Taehyung laughed a long.

"How's your stupid ass cafe?" Taehyung asked as the laughter died down.

Hoseok didn't get offended, that was the way Taehyung spoke. "It's going great I enjoy this job, everything about it but the paper work"

"Yeahhh makes sense.."

Hoseok pulled up to Taehyung's house. "Should we stay the night?"

Taehyung paused in thought at the question. "You don't have to.."

Hoseok took that as an invite and put the car in park. "Pulling the keys out, he got out of the car and open the passenger seat, lifting yoongi out. He knew Taehyung would never say it straight out that he needed company.

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