⇢ Unexpected visitor ೃ࿔

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For the rest of the week Jungkook showed up on time, and he did all his assignments. The abrupt change in Jungkook didn't bother Taehyung at all. Something just felt off. Taehyung knew something was off. All the messages he sent Jungkook were left unread, yet the younger always showed up to school and made it on time to all his classes. He wasn't heartless enough to not be a little worried. If anything, Taehyung felt extremely worried. Especially when Jungkook started changing his hair color more often than usual.

"Your hair is going to keep falling off if you keep treating it like that you know." 

"It's none of your fucking business.." Right away the conversation was cut short, but Taehyung had no intention for that to happen. He started to follow him. Jungkook noticed immediately when Taehyng started to follow him but didn't say anything. Everything that needed to be said was written all over his face. He was annoyed. He turned around to face Taehyung at his classroom door. He looked up at him and made eye contact. Not the real one. The fake one where you look anywhere on their face except for their eyes. Taehyung didn't seem to notice the small but crucial body language and he was grateful for that.

"Can you not follow me? As you can see I'm busy." Before Taehyung could reply Jungkook walked in and sat down. Taehyung didn't know exactly what to think of the new Jungook. All he knew was that the younger was not okay and he was going to fix that.

Before class started Jungkook pulled his books out and his utensil to write with. Just as he was closing up he heard small whispers among his classmates. He looked up to find the root of everyone's conversation. Everyone, including him, was wondering why he was standing there and if he was waiting on someone. Taehyung couldn't possibly be waiting for him. He shook his head to gain some control over his own thoughts.

During the entire class, Jungkook noticed Taehyng only looked at him. It didn't bother him, it concerned him. He thought doing everything right would make the older leave him alone but it didn't. His very eyes making that obvious. The main thing that gave it away was that Taehyung wasn't in this class. He's never once purposefully skipped class. Jungkook knew Taehyug was up to something, or why would he be standing at the classroom door?

When class was over Jungkook's plan was to walk out the door and go straight home. That plan changed when Taehyung grabbed him by the waist. Taehyung didn't notice at first but after observing Jungkook during class he realized the way Jungkook looked at him.

"So Taehyung's the one who got him under control..." Jungkook could hear his fellow classmates whispering about them and it made his ears heat up. He grudgingly slapped Taehyung's hand away and that was enough to convince Taheyung that his observation was false. It wouldn't stop the older from teasing though.

Today was the day Jugkook felt scared of the most. He didn't know today was the day. It wasn't until he reached home that he noticed Taehyung was following him home. He looked back at him in horror. Taehyung chuckled. "What are you so scared about? I'm just here to make sure you're okay." Taehyung walked up the steps of Jungkook's front doorway. Jungkook sighed in annoyance.

"And I'm okay, so leave."

"That's a bit harsh don't you think?"   

"No, considering you followed me home, no, no it is not."

"I kinda like it more when you're a calm sassy and not the fake bad boy persona you put on at school.." Jungkook's breath hitched. He wanted to say something but he was scared that Taehyung's words weren't just words. That Taehyung actually knew it was a persona. Not that the hitch in his breath didn't already give that away.

"What are you waiting for? Open the door."

"If you think you're coming inside, you thought wrong. You're not coming in. You might as well turn around now."

"Bad boy" (Taekook | toptae)Where stories live. Discover now