⇢ False Alarm (pt 2) ೃ࿔

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The minute Hoseok turned around, he knew he should've never gone to that party. "Oh, it's you.." Countless flashbacks of old memories went through both male's heads. Before they could say another word, the fire alarm went off.

They both stayed put. If they went out right then, they'd both get caught up in a crowd of stomping feet. They had the time, but neither of them wanted to say anything. Neither of them wanted to argue, to bring forth old feelings, to forge for the grudge they once felt.

Finally, the stomping died down. Jungkook froze in his spot, avoiding eye contact at all cost. Taehyung didn't expect to see Jungkook walk out behind Hoseok, of all people. Anyone else. He could care less who it was. Hoseok, no. The younger male pushed past them, bumping shoulders with Taehyung once again. Jungkook didn't feel like talking to Taehyung either, let alone see his face. Why was he even at the party?

Taehyung turned to Hoseok, a questioning look on his face. He had so many questions, but the most important one right now was...

"Where's Yoongs?"

Hoseok knew he'd have to explain later. He couldn't afford to risk the budding relationship he and Yoongi had. "The last time I saw them, they went to the bathroom."

They both made their way to the bathroom in silence. The silence was almost choking.

Hoseok knocked on the door. Even the half bath was nice. The tallness and sturdiness of the door giving it away. After a long pause, the door slowly cracked open. They both sighed in relief as Yoongi's small figure slipped past. "Are you okay?" Hoseok immediately pulled Yoongi close. Taehyung only watched.

Everyone was outside now. Jungkook glanced over at Taehyung, Hoseok and the unknown guy every few seconds. After the last look, he never looked again. He didn't want Taehyung or anyone over there, especially Hoseok, thinking that he was interested. Even though it was known around the school that he was straight, he couldn't risk anyone thinking that he's gay.

"LISTEN UP EVERYONE. PARTY IS OVER, THE ALARM WAS A FALSE ALARM, EVERYONE BUT JUNGKOOK LEAVE." Jungkook looked up at Jimin who stood on top of the roof with a microphone in his hand. He shook his head, the only reason he was staying was to help Jimin clean up his mess again. Long day and long night.. maybe he deserved it. Everyone left disappointed, but they'd all be talking about it tomorrow.



Taehyung's car felt cold. It's always cold, at least for everyone who's ever been in it. Even though everyone complained, no one has ever gotten him to even crack it up 1 higher. Everyone gave up after all eh fail attempts.

Hoseok looked outside his window. He didn't know where to start without Taehyung hating him immediately. He was afraid that Taehyung would hear the first part and not give him a chance to finish the rest and redeem himself.

"You have to listen to the entire story."

Taehyung didn't reply for a while. He thought about it. If Hoseok was saying that then something really bad must've happened. "Okay, explain."

"Okay.. so it started when.."


"Whatever you do Taehyung, do not associate yourself with Jungkook, he's bad bad news.." Taehyung only sighed. "Okay." He couldn't look at Jungkook the same. It was hard to even not hate the younger anymore. He couldn't tell Hoseok that he had to get Jungkook to behave or his records would be fucked.

Hoseok smiled gently at Taehyung "Thank you for understanding and believing nothing happened."

"Yeah, nothing better had happened.." Taehyung patted Hoseok's back. Dude was so whipped he was sweating before he got in the car. Hoseok chuckled.

After saying their goodbyes, Hoseok got out of the car. Taehyung still had school. He pulled off almost immediately after, running low on time. He had a record to fix, but he couldn't just tell Hoseok to stop his story.

When he got to school, he was surprised to see Jungkook in class already seated. The tactic Taehyung used was working very well. Every day that he came before Jungkook, he would sit in the younger's place. Jungkook hated that, instead of always arguing and fighting with Taehyung (which could also lead to more detention) Jungkook decided to go early. Every day that Taehyug came after, he purposely didn't fight with Jungkook for the seat.

Jungkook got so used to it, he's scared that he's now a morning person. Never in his life has he ever thought he'd be waking up at 6 every morning. Him? The Jungkook? Almost unbelievable, almost.

It's been a long time since Tsehyung has seen Jungkook get in a fight with someone over childish shit, was the younger actuall- Taehyung felt he jinxed himself when he heard the commotion in the cafeteria. He was almost 100% sure that Jungkook was at fault.

There were cameras everywhere, pushing through crowds to get the best shot. When Taehyung finally pushed through he couldn't believe what he saw. He watched as the male continued to cut the guy's pants. Restrained by Jungkooks entire body. Everyone was shouting, screaming, and cheering at what the younger male was doing. Taehyung felt disgusted. "what has the world come to" he muttered in disbelief. He didn't wait for another second to grab Jungkook off. He pulled the young male up with one arm. Jungkook felt his body easily swing to the side. 'Just how str- wait where does he think he's going?' He scrambled to his feet and limped after Taehyung, now noticing that the older male had already picked the guy up and started walking off. The entire crowd watched in aw.

"That's the white prince for ya.."

"He's handsome and sweet.. "

"He's so much less scary.."

Jungkook could hear everyone mumbling. He looked down at his own leg, the bruise wasn't big. It was barely even a bruise, but it still stung.


"You were supposed to be watching him Taehyung."

"I know sir.."

"Then what happened?"

Taehyung paused, he looked over at Jungkook who just sat in his corner. He could hear the game he was playing on his phone. That alone told him Jungkook had nothing to say. "I have no excuses but I guarantee you won't be disappointed in the end." Taehyug ignored the scoff he heard from the other corner of the room.

Once they left the office Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's phone. "Give me my shit back you don't get to just grab my stuff." Jungkook tried to grab for it but failed now realizing that Taehyung was quite taller. It all made sense why his face hit so hard in his chest.. wait he was supposed to be getting his phone back.

By the time he regained focus, Taehyung had already added his phone number and called his own phone. If Taehyung hadn't done what he did earlier Jungkook would have felt a slight tinge of butterflies, but he felt nothing, nothing but pure hatred. Taehyung walked off without an explanation. Jungkook wanted to ask for one, but he felt that would be pathetic. Not that he had to answer anyway.

With Taehyung taking his number, he knew the older had a trick up his sleeve and he wasn't going to like it.


Jungkook looked down at his bruise from earlier. Only a pinkish reddish mark was left, but he could still feel the pain from earlier. His mind jumped back and forth from Taehyung picking up the other guy and bringing him to the nurse. Did Taehyung not see the bruise on his knee? Did it not stand out? Did no one see the Ridgid cuts in his pants? Were they not obvious?

He kissed his bruise. Even if Taehyung or anyone else didn't kiss his bruise he still had his own lips. Placing his leg down he grabs his phone and called Jimin. If Taehyung wanted to see smoke, all he had to do was say so..

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