Chapter Thirteen- Blessing

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(English translations at the bottom of the chapter.  Enjoy!)


The orange gold stretches far and wide along the horizon, the reflection of dusk meeting the open lake.  Like a sheen of glass, the promise of the rising sun is painted along the reflection of the water.  The velvet night declares that the land may rest once again as the night beasts get ready to hunt their prey.  White stars in the sky feel distant in the chilled breeze, but the sun's farewell brings warmth to the eyes and soul.  Tall trees capture specks of light onto their leaves, lit up by small droplets and dew.

Engaged into the view, Raven's auburn hair flares up against nature's colours.  She walks off the stone floor and steps onto the pounded dirt, breathing in the freshness of evening.  Following close behind her, Seo-jun adjusts his hat with one hand, whilst flicking his finger and commanding the grand adorned doors to close, the wooden creaks pronouncing the sheer size and age of the building.  Engraved ancient letters sink into the marble above the golden arches.  The words stare back with a pale gleam before engulfing themselves into the material and disappearing, only leaving a bare reflection behind.

"Did you lock the door?"

"Not yet, Sage Villareal.  I believe Sage Stock is still inside finishing the papers to deliver to the Vampire King,"

"You know, you don't have to call me that anymore, Seo-jun.  The meeting is over," Raven chirps.

"Oh!" came the subtle exclamation followed by a soft chuckle, "Yes, 빨강 (bbal-gang),"

As the door pounds to a close, dust escapes and whirls up from the motion in a created wind from the sheer size and force used, catching onto the two Sages.  He gazes at the flowing movements of her hair, the orange sunset behind her drowned by the sight of her red glow.  Meagre wrinkles lurk on her skin, folded creases proclaiming the years taken from her youth.  Nonetheless, her florid eyes reflect the same life in them from the years they met in their youth; her mouth curving into the same wide grin, even the freckles that shower on her nose and cheeks, though with enhanced specks added with age.  His mind travels into a pool of memories of the woman before him, much larger and deeper than the lake reflecting the sky's enormity.  

His golden orbs move like the sun, up and then down and up again to meet her baffled expression.

"What is it?"

"Nothing, you are just beautiful," his accent caresses his words into a soothing sensation.  She scoffs at his sudden remark, watching as the scars and burns on his face bring out the fragility in his delicate wrinkles forming around his slitted eyes. His gaze is still gentle and lingering even after all these years.

He brings his long dark robes behind him and steps towards her, watching as she invokes a broom to her hand, descending from the building top window to her palm.  As one leg swings onto the side, Seo-jun's agape mouth produces a stuttering sound of interruption at her sudden haste.

"Wait, Raven.  Perhaps we should walk home tonight instead of fly,"  The woman slides her specks up her nose, the two large circular shards of glass peering at him in question.  "It is a lovely night, why don't we walk instead?"

"Hm... This means you want to speak to me about something," she implies with the snap of a finger against her thumb.  The broom travels back up the tower, leaving the two below to ogle the distant descending sun.

Nodding, he offers her his arm, engaging the two in a linked brace.  The pair stroll to the lake's water, finding their aged reflections glimpsing back at them. Fireflies crown them like jewels as the sun's rays creep under, only to return the next day as promised since the beginning of time. Seo-jun leads them both past the shore, smooth water fondling the dirt.

Dark Destinies- Clare Siobhan (Fanfiction) Magical GenerationWhere stories live. Discover now