Chapter Five- Magenta

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"How much blood are you willing to give?" are the empty words that radiate.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Cain hisses as his eyebrows arch under his hooded eyes.

"It means, if you give me some of your blood, I will pay you in cash.  Sounds like a good deal to me,"

The pitch black sky surrounds them in a dark aura, confining them to each other's presence.  Like a stage, only the moonlight shines on them in one transcendent beam, the streetlights sprinkling light like flashing cameras.  The buzzing from the moths' deaths resonating like cheers from a crowd.  Equally unreal was his question.

"Why do you want my blood?" Cain questions, staring into the old man's wrinkled face.  

Beneath his smirk are rotting yellow teeth, sprouting as two large pink hues blare back in an equally eerie colour as the young boy's magenta pair.  Gusts of wind lift the hood off Cain's heavy gaze, allowing his hairs to fly free from underneath the cover.  Holding a steady stance, the wind enchants the tension, flowing from one and circling the other.

"Do you want the money or not?" the man's words echo out into the night as houses stand still, awaiting the response.  Trees shake with the wind, the rustles oscillating warnings.

"I don't even know your name," Cain answers sternly.  

"I am known as Jett," the old man breathes as the wind tries to hush the noise. "Whether or not that is a good name to you, we will find out," mouth corners draw back into a stretchy grin.  Cain fixes his attention onto the esoterism before him, tasting the peril at the tip of his tongue.

"You... before... Did you just perform magic?  Are you-?" Carmelo's croakes from behind.  His hair is still muzzled after having been levitated and spun in the air.  Even though the magical force had lifted from his body, the effect still churns in his insides.

"A spellcaster?  Yes, isn't that obvious?" Jett turns to meet an agape mouth and ajar eyes as Carmelo stares in disbelief.  The words feel like salt against a torn wound, the skin shivering against the pain as nerves squeeze against the reality.  Spellcaster... "Now... are we doing this or not, boys?  You were about to rob the house, weren't you?  Only money-thirsty boys such as yourselves would do such a thing,"

"Watch your words, Jett," Cain spits between gritted teeth.

Hearing his name blended into that tone, Jett slowly spins his head around once again, matching the threat in Cain's gaze.  The silhouette of his friend's shaking head moves unnoticed as hostility creeps closer to unavoidable violence.

"You should watch your own words.  Learning I have the ability to kill you with a flick of my hand shouldn't be met with that kind of tone,"

"Wait, stop,"  Shifting his gaze over to his friend, Cain veers towards the desperate look in Carmelo's face.  Strands of hair hang out of place his domed brows as he cautiously moves towards them.  "Let me give you my blood,"

"No, only his will do," Jett assured, nodding at Cain.

"What?" Cain's gruff voice bellows out. "If you want my blood, you'll have to- Ow!" he feels the sharpness of an elbow penetrate his side.

Edging closer to his blonde head, Carmelo can feel pulsing throbs radiating from Cain's exploding sweat-glands.  "Listen, man.  We need the money, it's just a little blood.  What could go wrong?" he spoke in a hushed voice.

Dark Destinies- Clare Siobhan (Fanfiction) Magical GenerationWhere stories live. Discover now