Chapter Two- Thirst

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Mummy and daddy always called the doctor to see me.  But his visits were different than the ones you would imagine.  I was different.  The doctor wouldn't check on me because I was weak with illness or recovering from a fall.  Instead, it was because I was getting stronger and stronger.  My senses grew keen, my strength increased, my thirst intensified...  It hurt...  As the voice would return...


No... No!  Please!  No more-

What's wrong, Ryder?

No!  It hurts, please!  I don't want to!

Ryder?  But you must...


It's time, Ryder.  Unleash me...




"Ryder!  Ryder, listen to me!"  The shrieks grew louder as her skin ached against her own flesh.  "Cody!  Cody, what do we do?!" her mother's cries echoed, bouncing off dark, lonely bedroom walls.

Veins popped out, sinking into her skin as they throbbed uncontrollably.  Thick blood pumped through as her body trembled in uncanny glitches and painful spasms.  Pitch blackness covered the white in her eyes as blood-red pits drowned her irises, an animalistic look stretching on her face.  Shrieking under the pressure, black veins surrounded her eyes, reaching out and scratching themselves along her features as the smell of iron grew stronger.  Dark figures she recognised as her parents stood above her.  She could feel their bodyweight crushing down on her as she thrashed against it.  

"Hold her still!" her father bellowed as he struggled against Ryder's fierce movements.  Holding her limbs down on the ground, she shook against her will.  Her spine twisted as she flared forward, arching her back demonically.  Tears stained her face as shrills escaped the young girl's throat, but in her mind, those screams were coming from the voice inside.  It was a voice which knocked on the door to her heart, begging to seep in.  Feeling the chaos which would unravel if she let it slip in stung her.  It screamed at her as it controlled her, paralyzing her power, reaching out into the world as it toyed with her insides; her hunger; her flesh; her freedom.  Ears bled from the pressure which crushed her soul as she pleaded for an end.  

"Cody!  What does it say?" her mother beckoned.  Strands of blood-red hair hung around her face as it fell ruffled from the force she pressed down onto her daughter.  Peering down, dark famished wells stared back at her.  Two orbs which were not of her precious Ryder.  "Cody!"

"I'm trying!  Just let me find the page!"  Cody lifted his hand as he placed his knee on his daughter's foot, locking her limb in place as it flailed about, cutting the air like a knife.  Flipping through pages of endless words and illustrations, his eyes squinted at the book, scanning for signs on young vampires.  The pages fumbled between his fingers, slathers of words omitted.  Nonetheless, they did not need a book to know what had to be done: he knew her thirst had to be quenched, one way or another.  Arya continued to wince as she gazed at the way Ryder's fangs dug into her own lower lip, dragging two fine lines of blood streaming down her cheek.  The thick gore dripped onto the ground beside her head, which pounded against the floor in agony.  The wood cracked under the force of her impulsive tramping, sending sounds throughout the house.

"Cody, what do we do?"

"Arya, please let me do this,"

"She is dying!"

"No, she is not-"

"Ryder!" her mother shrieked as the girl gagged suddenly.  Unquenched by the pouring blood from biting herself, the accumulated and collected blood in her throat betrayed her.  Her eyes widened as she choked.  Letting go of the girl's arms, Arya brought her hands to Ryder's head as she raised it above the ground.  Red seeped out from the corners of her mouth, blending in with her equally bloody hair.  A dire gasp escaped the girl's throat as she found oxygen regain its place in her lungs.  

Dark Destinies- Clare Siobhan (Fanfiction) Magical GenerationМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя