Chapter Six- Blood

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Mother... why is this happening?  Why is this making me remember you and the night you died?

"Your body is reacting to the magic in this portal.  It's in your blood," Jett hisses between gritted teeth.  His tongue traces his mouth, exploring, as he ogles Cain's pained expression.

Just as his blood is caught in a trance, his body begins to move towards the entrance.  Small chattering tickles his ear, a sourceless sound biting his thoughts to what lay before him.  The swirling in the portal grows excited as they loop and reflect the same curiosity and attraction.  

Reaching out with a steady hand, Cain feels a magnetic field trying to swallow him into the aurora.  Glancing back, he locks eyes with Carmelo, an arm pressed against his body whilst held with the other in a painful grasp.  Dark loops below his eyes are now pronounced but his smile wavers as his head nods for him to go on.  His eyes speak of adventure, making Cain look forward again, stating right at it.  The helices send shriveled gusts of wind his way, pulling the bangs out of his face.  He feels his eyes going dry, an unblinking moment of realisation.

"What will happen if I go through these colours?"

"You'll see," Jett smirks.  Cain feels five pressure points hit his back like lighting against a rock.  Pushing him from behind, his body is jammed forward, submerging into the eos.  Like a chemical reaction, the colours begin to spin, Cain's blood being the fuel.  Triggered by the magic, the pink flames turn against the others as the portal's colours shift into a bright neon, shimmering pink as it rages and flushes the others into a dominant rage.  Blinding white and pink shoot out as the air moves like a cyclone with the stirring energy.  Dropping to his knees from the force, Carmelo stares ahead at the phenomenon, his heart beating against his fighting breaths which fought for oxygen.  His senses are keen, taking in the scene.  The flaring glare of lights putrefy his pupils, eroding against the harsh particles colliding with his wide eyes, but nothing could close them.

"I'll wait here I guess... Cain..." tinges of obscurity cling onto the name as he whispers under his breath.  A name he had said so many times, the name of a brother.  But somehow, the call had become the name of a parlous stranger.

Dissolving into the magic, Cain's body warps.  The bones in his limbs grind against each other tightly, twisting as they stretch.  His blood feels like fire in his veins, his arteries struggling to hold on as the blood cells jubilating through his body as his skin endeavors to contain the thrill in these individual spirits of exploding life.  Vociferate shouts of pain rupture from Cain's lungs, shattering the capillaries in his organs as his body tensed; oozed, pained through.  He was drowning, the colours flowing through his nostrils, ears, hair and mouth.  Closing his eyes, he feels himself going down to a paradise, a cold heat jabbing into his flesh.  As gravity tears him down from this sensate, his boots slam down onto a hard surface making dust fly from his newly come presence.  His weight returns to him, his clothes hanging onto his limbs once again.  Only his hairs are still trickled, the chills still rolling down his spine.

"The first time through the portal is usually painful, but it was extra dramatic for you because the realm has been waiting your arrival for many years..." A familiar snake-like voice echoes from behind.  The slithering approached as Jett lands beside Cain, a gentle berth. "Welcome to the Realm of Magic, Cain Villareal,"

Opening his eyes, Cain feels the trance grow in him, setting his mind into a daze.  Heavy lidded, he peers into the sky, stars of all colours sprinkled against a dark shade of purple.  They shine down, lighting up an entire world filled with life and magic.  Hills sit like a thin veil in the distance, watching their arrival from above.  Thick trees flourish out of the rich earth, its roots growing deep under their feet.  Unknown seeds and fruits hang from their equally bizarre branches like open arms, wide for intruders.  Cottages and houses sit scattered in the scene, surrounding a dense source of light and tight streets.  Sparks of all kinds of shades fly out, greeting Cain with small blasts of thrill.  Throat dry from the sight, Cain feels small in this universe: only a minuscule dot of humanity.

Dark Destinies- Clare Siobhan (Fanfiction) Magical GenerationWhere stories live. Discover now