Chapter One- Darkness

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Life as we know it is full of stories, filled with characters and covered with obstacles.  When we are born, the writing begins on a blank piece of paper, an invisible hand starts jotting away.  The colour and shape of the paper is determined by genes and the DNA flowing in one's veins.  As time passes, choices are made.  Words become sentences; sentences become paragraphs; paragraphs become pages; pages become a story, thus a tapestry is born.  The decisions made through this journey paint a new picture, every corner is a consequence of the past and reforms into the beginning of a carved path to the future.  

In a world filled with colour, there is black and white.  The sides parallel each other, never crossing, never intertwining.  The light and darkness; the reflection and shadow; right and wrong.  In a world full of different people, there are different stories, ones that weave into each other, others that don't.  In a realm touched by magic stands two sides, once united.  

Vampires of the hidden darkness blend into the night, observing and hunting for blood.  Their fangs differ from those of the other side.  Instead of power dependent on the outside, the Spellcasters dwell and live in the light, their blood swirling with magical dust.  Charms and spells battle transformation and strength.  As one side lives alongside time and magic, the other grows stronger through blood-consumption, keeping their youth.

Black and white; darkness and light.

What ever happened to the colours in between?

7 years earlier

Heavy droplets plummeted down onto the window like pebbles, the wind roared through the storm.  Sudden streaks of lightning flashed and zapped in the sky, striking the ground, preying on any unfortunate wandering victims.  The window flew open as water soared in, banging against the wall as water showered the furniture.

Gravity dragged small beads of water from the roots as they slid down his blonde strands of hair hanging around his face, onto the tip, until its weight finally led it crashing down onto the surface of the wooden table.  His hands were crossed in front of him as he watched drops collapse, senseless from the cold.  Damp clothes hung onto him as they cooled his fuming mind.  The young boy stared down as the water drops fell one by one, following the seconds that passed.

"Cain," her sullen tone conjoined with the noisy storm outside.  "This is unacceptable."  He shifted his eyes, meeting her frowning expression.  His eyebrows hooded a scowl.

"What is it now?"

"Explain this to me," she shrilled as her hand tossed a flimsy paper at him.  The page was torn, crumbled, wet, and yet had so much meaning.  "What are these grades?"

Cain pried, deepening his simper.  "I don't see what the problem is."

"You don't see the problem?  My son is failing school!" she pounds the table with her fist, however he remained in absolute stone stillness.  "I want what's best for you, honey.  This is not it-" the phone suddenly began to ring as ear-twitching chimes blew up in the room.  Cain reached into his pocket, sliding his hand in as he pulled his vibrating device out.  "No, put it away, we are talking."

"It's just Carmelo, we were-"

"Put it away.  Now," she said with in a stern tone.  It deepened as thunder roared outside, tingling Cain's anger.  He slowly lowered his hand, placing the phone on the table, a soft knock as he let it go.  "I've seen the things you do.  Running around the streets with those troublemakers, causing mischief.  Are you even listening to me?"

Dark Destinies- Clare Siobhan (Fanfiction) Magical GenerationWhere stories live. Discover now