Chapter Nine- Puddle

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Beetles buzz harmoniously in the tall grass, brushing against her skin as she breezes past.  Stained muddy steps thud rhythmically as her lungs process heavy breaths, she gains speed, spotting two distant yet familiar figures.  The meadow guides her graciously in a path already flattened beforehand.  The dust flies in the air as she tramples her way up the hill.  Blood capillaries explode with adrenaline at the glimpse of her brother's curly head bent down in the dirt, shaking.

Shrilling their names into piercing screams, the sound erupts into nothing as the wind consumes her desperation.  Battling with nature's caller, her voice raises higher as the whooshing breeze continues to whisk up the sound until it vanishes.  "Ro!" she shrills through exhausted breaths.  "Vireo!" her chest weighs as her heart struggles to keep up.  Sticks and tree-roots knock into her steps which collide with her speed.  Reaching out, she feels her hair whip against her bare shoulders, kicking her to hurry.

Veins thump against her skull, producing the pounding in her head.  Vireo's mystical hues are the first to meet hers; a cauldron of curiosity and concern blended in shades of pink and dark golden sparks.  

"Clove?  What are you-" the young spellcaster's melodious voice starts but is quickly cut by the young girl's shallow wheezes.  Falling to Ambrose's side, she turns him with all her strength, revealing a pale face, dull green staring up into moving clouds.  His arms fall lazily at his side as she grasps onto his forearm.

"Ro!  What happened?!" she shakes him as his head bobs at the brash movements.  Cutting her gaze, she gapes up at Vireo who is staring meagerly at the pain.  "What did you do this time?"


"Yes, you.  My brother is lying on the ground in a puddle of his own vomit and you are standing just fine, so obviously it was you," she affirms in a shrieking tone.  Her words strike keenly until they stop completely at the sight of the enchanted book. "What is that?"

In a sudden act of realisation, Vireo lunges out and grabs onto the dirtied book lying on the ground.  Bringing it his chest, he hides the golden crest with his black sleeves and vacant expression.

"What are you doing?" she questions, arms folded as her finger tapped diligently. Her eyebrow raised in query.

"Nothing," Vireo answers blankly as he squirms. "Ro was just teaching me some spells, that's all,"

The girl hums suspiciously as she clicks her tongue. "I don't think so. If that were the case, this place would be either on fire or covered in ice,"

"Really?  You too?  Where is the faith in me?"

"What did you do to Ro?" her eyes fall on her brother's weak body, heaving on a bed of grass. His sick pale colour make his lively freckles dull.

"I'm fine, Clove.  It's not a big deal,"

"It is a big deal.  Vireo shouldn't be practicing magic on someone who can't defend themselves," Slapping her hand away, he lifts his head grudgingly off the ground as dust and grass scatter off.

"I can defend myself just fine," he asserts.  His voice is hoarse from the impact and ravaged throat.  

"What if mum finds out-... Mum..." her voice cracks at the mention of her.  Her deep pools of brown grow wide and stained with panic.  Slowly letting go of his arm, she brings her trembling hands down onto her lap.  She shrivels and shakes like leaves on a dry windy day.  "They're here..." Her long black braids slide down as her head hangs forward, closing her eyes to withdraw any revealing weakness.  "He's back..."  Opening her eyes slowly, she peers at Ambrose who had brought his legs to himself, huddled with his gaze far from hers.  His curls spiral graciously and perch onto his shoulders as he finds himself lost in thought.  His shirt is soaked with what Clove hoped was sweat, but the stained bisque colour proved otherwise.

Dark Destinies- Clare Siobhan (Fanfiction) Magical GenerationWhere stories live. Discover now