Chapter 2: I Ask of You

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Hey guys, I'm back again with another chapter. Not much to say here, but if you've been following this story, this is where things really kick into high gear, so I hope you're all ready for that.

Anyways, here's chapter 2. Hope you enjoy.



A deafening silence filled the atmosphere that composed the church of Fuyuki City. The only sign of life within it was a single holy man, who was pondering on an unexpected development.

"An outsider mage developing a Command Seal," he mused, "and also having such abnormal power... Such a threat cannot be left alive."

As the night began to shift to dawn, he settled on a plan. This threat would be dealt with the following night, and he would make sure of it.


The sound of an alarm clock ringing was the first thing Natsu Dragneel heard this morning. Alarm clocks were already annoying as is, but his enhanced hearing only served to amplify this ear-shattering noise. He had half a mind to destroy it on the spot, but Taiga wouldn't like that at all, so he settled on turning it off. Reluctantly waking up from his heavy sleep, the Dragon Slayer prepared for yet another day at high school.

It had been a month since Natsu arrived in Fuyuki City. By this point, he'd grown accustomed to the lifestyle he was living. It was far different from his usual lifestyle back in Earthland, that much was obvious. How was he handling school? Not too well, admittedly. He was barely passing even with all the help he was getting, and he completely lacked the motivation to do any schoolwork without being forced to by Taiga. Still, he somehow managed to get by.

As he prepared for the day ahead of him, he took a look at his left hand. The back of it had an odd, red mark on it. At first, he thought it was some minor injury or something of that nature, but now he was becoming more confused at what this really was.

He would find out soon enough.

After eating breakfast - which Taiga had bought, since neither she nor Natsu could cook - he set off for school. Taiga had left early, being a teacher and all. It was a brand new day.


Homurahara Academy was an odd place for the Fire Dragon Slayer. For starters, it was a school, which wasn't Natsu's cup of tea at all. Additionally, he only really knew a few people; a stark contrast to the Fairy Tail guild, where everyone knew each other.

It was now lunchtime.

He could finally take a break from all this random information that was being tossed at him. Normally, he'd go to the rooftop to have lunch. He wasn't sure if that was even allowed, given that no one else went up there and he never bothered to ask if it was allowed, but he did it anyway. Today was no different. Well, except for one thing.

He heard someone else. Two people, in fact. But, they seemed to hear him coming as well.

"Someone's coming. Disappear for now, Archer."

Weird. At that moment, the scent of one of the two people faded. Shrugging it off, he opened the door to the rooftop. His nose didn't lie. Someone else was there: a girl with dark brown hair tied up in twintails via two black ribbons.

Hang on, he'd seen this girl before.

They'd passed by each other a few times, but her appearance was unmistakable. Apparently, she was an honor student, basically the class idol. He never knew her first name, given how everyone referred to one another. However, he did know her last name: Tohsaka.

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