Chapter 5: All-Out Battle

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Yo, it's me again, literally only 2 days after the previous chapter. I've been having a ton of fun writing this story, so I've been pretty motivated to continue it. Make no mistake, I've been enjoying writing my other stories as well, but this has been something of a passion project, hence why I enjoy writing it so much.

Not much else for me to say here. Here's chapter 5 of Fate/Burning Will.


Rin, Saber, and Illya had every reason to be amazed at what they were witnessing. Natsu had just landed a solid blow on Berserker, and it actually amounted to something. It wasn't much, but it was still far more than what a Master should normally be capable of. Sure, Rin and Saber knew that Natsu had fought against Lancer, but they weren't there to witness it.

"Are you sure you've been weakened?" Rin wondered aloud amidst her shock.

"Yeah," Natsu confirmed, now igniting both of his fists with flames, "But I also said I've got plenty of power to spare."

"Natsu, you wish for us to fight together?" Saber questioned, recalling what he said earlier.

"Yup. Rin said you and that guy are equal, right? Then let's give ourselves a better chance of winning."

Saber hesitated at this. Natsu had shown to be far stronger than a Master should be, but despite this, she was apprehensive to the idea of letting him fight. If they were to fight together, that would mean letting Natsu enter the battle. Could she afford to allow that?

After some deliberation, she shook her head.

"I apologize, Natsu," Saber said in response to the Dragon Slayer's proposition, "But I cannot agree to that."


"It is my duty to ensure the safety of my Master. It would be against it to allow you to put yourself in harm's way."

Before Natsu could respond, Berserker rushed at the group of three yet again. He was soon cut off by a barrage of arrows that seemingly came out of nowhere, but were actually fired off from Archer after he had taken his position far away from the scene of the fight. Berserker deflected most of the arrows with his blade, although he was hit by a few that caused an explosion upon impact. It wasn't like it mattered, though, as the arrows had no effect and Berserker continued his charge unhindered, only to be intercepted by Saber.

"Archer's arrows had no effect?!" Rin questioned in surprise. Such was the effectiveness of Berserker's Noble Phantasm.

"Ignore Archer for now," Illya commanded, her smile remaining plastered to her face, "Focus on crushing Saber, Berserker."

Berserker heeded this command and continued to trade blows with Saber, matching each sword strike from her with one of his own. Eventually, Saber launched a strike that Berserker had to block, but the force of it sent him from the road to the nearby grassland, where the two resumed their battle. Rin and Illya still watched from the road, but Natsu was already on his way to join the battle.

Berserker swung his sword downward, which Saber was able to dodge. She then stepped onto the sword to prevent him from lifting it up, and then she went for a strike. However, Berserker responded by letting go off his sword and leaning back to avoid the strike, then kicking at her several times. Just before one of his kicks could land, though, Natsu intervened with a flame-coated kick from above.

"Fire Dragon's Claw!"

Natsu's attack hit Berserker right on the head, and the force was enough to stop Berserker before he could hit Saber. However, Saber was not as pleased with this.

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