Chapter 4: A Fateful Encounter

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You guys know the drill, it's a new chapter of Fate/Burning Will. I don't know why, but each chapter gets longer and longer, I swear it's not on purpose. Just as a reference, this one is OVER 3000 WORDS.

I may have gotten carried away.

Oh well, as long as people enjoy it. Before this starts, though, I want to draw attention to something. I actually haven't been working on this by myself. My Fate knowledge is what I'd call decent, but somewhat limited. Because of this, a friend of mine who knows a lot more about Fate is helping me write this. If you're reading this, you know who you are. So, I wanted to give him a major thanks, as he's helping a lot.

With that said, here's chapter 4 of Fate/Burning Will.


With Natsu now caught in the Holy Grail War, he was now heading to the church in New Fuyuki along with Rin to see the man who oversaw the whole thing. Natsu had supplied magic to Saber in order to allow her to passively heal and not be weakened. It was originally intended to also allow her to enter into her spiritual form, but that didn't go as planned. Saber was still unable to enter into her spiritual form, so she had to wear a raincoat to try and disguise herself.

She herself knew why. She wasn't a Heroic Spirit in the traditional sense. Usually, Heroic Spirits were illusions of past heroes who had already died. However, this was not the case for Saber. She had never died, so this wasn't an illusion of her, but the real her. That was something that no one else needed to know, though.

"You still can't become a spirit?" Natsu asked, "Do you need me to give you more or something?"

Saber shook her head. "I apologize, but if this is the case, then it is likely that no amount of mana will allow me to do so. It is likely that the bad connection that was formed when you summoned me is still preventing me from entering a spirit form," she lied.

"Why do you keep saying mana? Isn't it magic?" Natsu asked.

"Mana and magic are completely different," Rin explained, "But that's something that isn't worth explaining right now."

"More importantly," Saber interjected, "Are you sure about this? Supplying me with mana, that is. Your power will be less than what it normally is throughout this war."

"It's fine," Natsu assured her, "I've still got plenty to spare."

Rin was utterly astounded by the Fire Dragon Slayer. To her, he was a complete anomaly with basically nothing normal about him. This ranged from his absurd amount of power to even the way he dressed. The fact that he had plenty of power to spare despite weakening himself to supply Saber was insane.

"And you left the note for Ms. Fujimura about you being out, right?" Rin asked, detaching herself from her shock.

"Yeah, don't worry," Natsu answered, "I got that covered."

Soon enough, they arrived at the entrance to the church, with Saber opting to remain outside the gate. Natsu and Rin passed the gate and headed to the inside of the church.

"Why do you think Saber didn't come with us?" Natsu asked.

"She said she's been in this time period before, remember," Rin answered. Saber had mentioned that on their way there, but Natsu had already forgotten, "So maybe something happened between those two."

"Guess that makes sense. Who even is this guy, anyway?"

"He used to be my father's pupil. After Father died, he became my guardian. He's basically both my senior as a disciple and my second teacher."

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