The Marty McFly to your Jennifer Parker

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Word Count: 1.4K
Warnings: I don't really think there's any, please let me know if there are some!
A/N: okay so this is my Billy version of the Steve 2 pt series that I write called Puzzle Pieces. I love this one way more than the Steve ones I wrote, I will not be writing a part 2, I think this is great on its own. Please enjoy!!


You felt weird, distant and kind of numb lately. Your relationship with Billy had been rocky lately. It wasn't anything that either of you did but, you weren't able to talk to each other.

You had been thinking heavily if you and Billy were meant for each other. The lingering awkward silence that hung around the both of you like a dark cloud was the first thing that made you question your relationship. The next thing was that before you could talk for hours on end but, now you could barely greet each other. The last thing was the constant bickering that would escalate into full blown fights.

Your parents made their relationship seem so perfect, as a kid and now you admired them for having such a strong bond. You always thought you and whoever you ended up with would have that same connection. You had that with Billy, emphasis on had. Right now it felt like you and Billy were fighting just to feel something.

Billy could sense that something was wrong too. He felt like everyone could sense it, he knew Max did, that was why she lingered around the both of you when you came over. She knew that when she left you guys would stay silent and not speak a word to each other or you would start fighting.

When you were together and neither of you could find anything to say to the other, that silence that filled the room was loud and thick. It felt suffocating, you could cut the silence with a knife.

He realized that maybe you weren't supposed to be together anymore. You used to be like his missing piece but, now it felt like he was trying to cram you into his stupid fucking puzzle and now all of your knobs and sockets were bent out of place all because of him.

He hated arguing with you but, he was desperate to hear your voice that if you started arguing with each other, he would be willing to deal with it, just to hear your voice. Honestly, all he wanted to do was talk to you but, he couldn't find the words to say.

One night, you had been crying for what felt like hours at the realization at what your relationship had become. It was difficult, it was unfamiliar, it was something that you couldn't see happening to you. You thought Billy was the one, you thought of him as your missing piece, as your Marty McFly to your Jennifer Parker. Clearly you were wrong.

You knew your relationship with Billy had to come to an end. It was the best for both of you. You reluctantly called him and invited him over.

Billy felt hope run through his veins as he heard your voice on the other line. He got ready, he wore your favorite shirt and your favorite cologne. He thought that tonight would be the night that things went back to normal.

However, when he arrived to your house and saw the look on your face, he realized how wrong he was. You grabbed his hand gently and brought him over to the couch. He could feel his heart rate quicken at your touch that he hadn't felt in months. You looked up at him with tears forming in your eyes, some spilling down your cheeks. You had dark circles under your eyes, Billy assumed you had been up all night preparing for what you're about to say. You gently held his hand in yours.

"Billy, I um.. I really don't know how to say this-"

"Then don't, please don't do what you're about to do." Tears pricked at his eyes, you had only seen him breakdown like this a handful of times.

"I have to and I'm so, so, so sorry. But, we need to break up, I- I don't know what happened to us but, it's not fair to either of us to be in a relationship like this. I love you, Billy, but I think this will be good for the both of us." You let go of Billy's hand and wiped your tears away with the back of your hand. Billy nodded curtly, and stood up. He reached for you like he was going to hug you but, he decided against it and left your house without saying a word. You walked up to your window to watch him drive away, once his car was out of sight, you slid down a nearby wall and let a sob leave your mouth.

3 months had gone by since you last saw Billy. 3 months of wishing you never broke up with him. 2 months of wishing you could be the new girls he's been seen around town with. You hadn't dated anyone since, you rejected everyone and anyone who even flirted with you. You barely left the house, in fear of accidentally running into him while he was with one of his new flings. You went to work, the store and then back home.

Billy thought that he had your work schedule still memorized but apparently not, he had just walked into the diner with Sarah something hanging onto his arm. She had been the worst out of all the girls he'd taken out in dates since you broke up with him. He was taken by shock when he heard your voice call out to him, what made it worse was that you had called him hun and his date gorgeous. He knew that you were just doing your job, he knew this particularly well because, you told him once that friendlier you were, the better tip you got. So that's all this was, you were just trying to get a good tip out of him.

You couldn't believe the audacity that Billy had to show up here with his new girl. You knew he still knew your work schedule because while you were dating he would come on Thursdays to keep you company on the slowest day of the week, your boss never cared, she loved Billy.

So now you had to be your ex boyfriend's server while he was on a date with another girl. It felt like he was rubbing it in your face that he had found someone and you hadn't.

Billy honestly didn't know that you'd be working tonight. He had forgotten, it's been like 3 months since he had been here, literally the day before you broke up with him he came to visit you. But, seeing you here after 3 months of not seeing you and avoiding this diner completely did something to him. He couldn't focus on anything his date was saying, instead his eyes wondered back to you more often than they should've.

Finally his date ended and he drove her home but he went back to the diner hoping to catch you before you left. He pulled up as you were walking out, you looked up and saw his car and started walking faster towards your car.

You weren't sure why you were trying to get away from. You were mad, at first, when he showed up at the diner but, as his date went on, you realized how nice it was to finally see him after 3 months. You actually turned around to walk towards Billy's car and he met you half way. You started running towards him, it was only about 3 feet but, he met you halfway. He pulled you into a tight hug, the feeling of his embrace after and the feeling of being able to hold him in your arms was something that you had been longing for. You pulled back to look at his face, memorizing his features.

"I should've never broken up with you. I'm so sorry." You felt tears threatening to spill out of your eyes. Billy couldn't think of anything to say so instead he looked down to your lips, silently asking if what he was about was okay, you nodded slightly and Billy cupped your cheeks in his rough hands and pressed his lips to yours. It was was passionate yet gentle. A kiss that told you everything you needed to hear without saying a word.

Just a few days later Billy asked you to be his girlfriend again. You didn't hesitate to say yes. You and Billy were stronger than ever before. You had finally managed to be each other's missing piece to your own puzzles. You were his Jennifer Parker and he was your Marty McFly.

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