Dustin's Advice

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You thought you knew Billy. You thought that You guys were friends and that if you tried to talk him at school he wouldn’t pretend to not know who you were. Apparently you thought wrong.

Billy Hargrove snuck into your room almost every night. If he needed to get away from his dad, he went to you, if he wanted to get away from Tommy H, he went to you, if he got in a fight, he went to you. He always went to you. Your bedroom was his go to place whenever he needed you.

When you walked up to Billy at school to let him know that you were watching Dustin Henderson until late and he shouldn’t come over because you weren’t sure when you would be home, he gave you a weird look.

“Billy!” you kind of shouted his name but, not too loud.

He turned around to look at you, “Were you talking to me?”

“Yeah, I was just gonna let you know that I’m babysitting tonight so-”

“Why would I care if you were babysitting tonight? I don’t even know you.“ Your mouth was hanging open in shock as Billy just walked away.


”Dustin, is the party coming over or is it just you and me tonight?“ you were finally at the Henderson’s house, after Billy blatantly ignored you today, you kind of just wanted to hang out with Dustin.

”Uh… I think it’s just us tonight, is that okay?” You exhaled a sigh of relief and just nodded.

“Are you okay Y/N? You seem stressed…“ Dustin seemed worried about you and you needed to get whatever you were feeling off your chest.

”Okay, so, you know Billy? Max’s brother, well, I am always his go to if he ever needs to get away or needs to be cleaned up after a fight, and he always comes over after midnight. So, I tried to tell him that I was watching you tonight and I didn’t know when I was going to be home so, it would be smart if he didn’t come over and he pretended that he didn’t know me! I mean he sneaks into my bedroom six nights a week! I know everything about him! I have seen him cry! And yet here is pretending that he doesn’t know me? Like what the hell?” you didn’t realize that throughout that whole little speech, you never even stopped to take a breath, your chest was tight and now you were trying get yourself together while Dustin was preparing to give you the best advice a 14 year old could give.

“Okay, I’m going to say this as nice as I can so, please don’t get upset but, you need to quit letting him walk all over you like you’re some kind of door mat. If he pretends that he doesn’t know you, do it back, if he doesn’t know you then you don’t know him. You deserve better friends Y/N, like me or the party.“ Dustin flashed you a toothy grin at the last sentence.

"Dustin, you’re right, you are totally right! When he tries to sneak in next time, I’m gonna ignore him, I’ll show him.”


The next night Billy tried to sneak into your room through your window but, it was locked. He got back on the ground and started throwing rocks at your window, after about the third rock was thrown you finally opened your window.

”You gonna let me in or what?“

"Oh um… I’m sorry but, who are you?”

“Very funny Y/N now let me in.“

”Why would I let you in? I don’t even know you.” and with that you shut your window and went to bed.

If Billy was going to act like he didn’t know you then you were going to listen to Dustin and act like you don’t know him either.


It had been a week since that night you decided to give Billy a taste of his own medicine. It was a warm day and you had your window open. You didn’t think Billy would just sneak into your room at 4:30. He was full of surprises lately.

“What are you doing? My parents are home!“

”Oh so now you know me, just a week ago when I tried to sneak in you didn’t know who I was.”

“Oh my gosh, really Billy? You want to do this now?“

”Yeah I want to do this now! I just want to know who the hell do you think you are to ignore me like that?”

“I just think it’s funny how, a week ago when I tried to talk to you at school you acted like you don’t sneak into my room anytime you want to!“

”Is that what that was about? Really Y/N, you know I didn’t mean anything by it!”

“No, you don’t get to act like you don’t know me and then show up at my window and expect me to let you in! You don’t get to be a prick to me and then want me to let you stay the night because you’re too drunk to go back home!“ your chest felt tight again just like it did at Dustin’s house.

”Look I’m sorry Y/N, I shouldn’t have done that-”

“Billy, I deserve to be treated better. I’m done, I think you should go and not talk to me anymore, I know some pretty cool 14 year olds that I can hang out with.“

You couldn’t read the expression on his face, he wasn’t happy, and he wasn’t mad. He gave you one last look and left. Who knew that a 14 year could give some pretty good advice?

Billy Hargrove imagines حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن