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Your stupid fucking necklace that you had been wearing since the day you were born couldn’t get any colder. The stupid half circle that hung around your neck never got warm like it should have. There were so many times that your necklace should have gotten so warm that it burnt your skin but, nope the universe didn’t think that the guy you were currently seeing was important enough to be your soulmate.

All of your friends had met their soulmates, your parents found each other when they were really young, so where was your soulmate? You always had the unsettling thought that maybe your soulmate died in the back of your head. Whenever you voiced that thought, your friends would tell you to quit being so pessimistic. How could you possibly be optimistic about this though? You knew middle schoolers who had met their soulmates but, you hadn’t.


You really didn’t want to go to school. You could tell that something was going to happen, you didn’t know if it was good or bad it was just something. It made you feel uneasy, your mind started racing, you couldn’t miss school today, you ditched twice last week and you didn’t want to get too behind in your classes. So, you begrudgingly got out of bed and got dressed for school.

You got to school and noticed that some asshole with a blue Camaro had parked in your spot. So, out of spite, you parked extra close to their car. You heard the bell ring and you rushed into school. Your necklace started to feel slightly warmer than usual. You brushed it off, thinking that it was your whole body that was warm because you had just ran into the school.

You went to your first class, and once again your necklace felt warm. You tried not to think about it . You were in a class full of people who couldn’t be your soulmate, your necklace was probably just fucking up.

When you got to lunch, your friends were talking out a new kid named Billy, you weren’t paying attention until one of your friends mentioned that he drove a blue Camaro.

“Hey, that’s the asshole who took my spot this morning.” Your friends scoffed and rolled their eyes.

“Is that why you were late to first period today?”

“Yes, I was taking my time parking real close to his stupid ass car.”

Your friends changed the topic, and you felt your necklace warm up again. You grabbed at it, an action that didn’t go unnoticed by your friends.

“What’s up with you Y/N?” You let go of your necklace.

“Nothing. Why?”

“C'mon Y/N, is it your necklace?” You hesitated for a second.

“Yeah it is. I think it’s broken. It keeps getting warm but, I know for as fact that none of the people in here are my soulmate.”

“What if your soulmate is Billy?” Your friends got excited, probably too excited.

“My soulmate isn’t the new kid. I haven’t seen him or been around him.”

“Alright whatever Y/N.”

You got up to go throw your food away. You went through the rest of your classes with your necklace getting warmer and warmer. The last bell rang, signaling that it was finally time to go home. As you walked out towards your car, your necklace was getting hot not warm but, hot. You grabbed your necklace again, you saw the new kid. He was leaning against the back of your car, he must have seen you coming because he stood up. He looked like he was going to say something but, before he could you both gasped.

Ow! What the fuck?” you said in unison. You both stared at each other, looking at the glowing half circles around your necks. Billy chuckled.

“Well, I was gonna ask you why the fuck you parked so close to my damn car but, I think I’m gonna introduce myself instead. Hi, I’m Billy Hargrove, your soulmate.” He extended his hand to you, you shook his hand and you introduced yourself as well.

“Y/N Y/L/N. Well, to answer your question, you took my spot, so, I thought that I could teach you a lesson.”

Billy licked his lips and smirked up at you.

“Well, soulmate you wanna go get something to eat?” You agreed and went to the diner, looks like your friends were right, Billy was your soulmate, and you were wrong, your soulmate didn’t die.

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