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A/n: this is a soulmate au where everything is black and white until you meet your soulmate. This is also the soulmate au that I didn't know if I should finish or not, so thanks to all of the lovely people who told me to finish it. I hope you guys like it!

Everything had been black and white until  you met Billy. That fateful day in 1984, he had parked to close to your car, you tapped him on the shoulder and suddenly you were speechless. Everything started to burst with color. The trees were green, the sky was a beautiful blue. You looked at him in the eyes, his eyes were beautiful and so blue.

"Do you see it too?" Your eyes were still wide as you were taking it all in.

"I do." That was all he had to say, you pulled him in for the tightest hug.

After that day you and Billy had been inseparable. He would always be at your house, his house was hell so you both preferred your house. You guys would study together, you were helping him get his grades up, and you were helping be less of a piece of shit to Max and her friends.

Billy's family adored you, even Neil. He was more willing to let Billy go out and do stuff with you since he thought you were a positive influence on him. Max loved you even more than her mom and stepdad. She loved how you were helping Billy control his anger, without Billy being on her ass 24/7 she could finally be a kid.

You and Billy were saving money for your wedding. He proposed to you a few weeks after he got his job as a lifeguard. You were the happiest you had ever been.   Everything was great until the week of the 4th of July. Billy had been ignoring you, he started to push you away. He told you that it was for your safety, you found Max at Chief Hopper's cabin with some random girl. You asked Max where Billy was and without explaining much she asked you to take them to a certain address.

Max and the random girl, whose name you had learned was El, had gone inside and were out in 5 minutes or less. Billy was standing at the door watching the girls get into your car. You screamed his name, you tried to get out of your car but, Max had stopped you, the look on her face said more than words could. She looked nervous and confused. You rolled down your window and you told Billy that you loved him. You drove the girls back to Hopper's house and told them that you'd be back tomorrow.

The girls had called you and asked you to take them to the Wheeler's. When everyone saw you walk in they didn't look happy. Some of them even looked annoyed. They explained everything to you, it was all a bit overwhelming. You didn't understand how Billy got wrapped up in this.

You went with them to the pool to perform the sauna test. It was one of the scariest things you had ever seen. Billy was calling for you, you walked up to the door and moments later Mike had told you to get away from the door but, before you could Billy stuck his arm through the small window, he cut your face pretty good. You were scooting away from door. You felt useless as you cradled your cheek. You ripped part of your shirt to stop the bleeding. You watched El throw Billy through a wall and you all ran like hell to your car.

You got back to the Wheeler's and Nancy tried her best to help you with your cheek. You and the kids had told Nancy and Jonathan about Billy. After explaining everything, Nancy and Jonathan told you guys about Tom Holloway. All of you drove to the Holloway house, after seeing all of the empty bottles of cleaning supplies, you guys went to the hospital to visit Mrs.  Driscoll. While you were there, you thought it would be beneficial to have a doctor look at your cheek. While you were gone, you had completely missed Nancy and Jonathan getting attacked. You walked out of the room the same time everyone was screaming your name so that they could leave.

You were all at Hopper's cabin once again, El was working on trying to track down Billy. You were silently panicking in the living room. You hadn't heard or seen Billy since the sauna test. El started freaking out. She explained what Billy had said. You were in full panic mode. The Mind Flayer grabbed El's leg and grabbed an axe and swung as hard as you could. You were able to cut off the Mind Flayer's arm. Soon after you guys went to Melvald's to fix El's leg.

You guys went to Starcourt in search of Dustin. After meeting up with them and Hopper, Mrs. Byers and some other guy that you didn't know. You guys had some sort of plan. While the adults were going to the basement, you guys stayed upstairs. You had gone with Max, Mike and El, you wanted to help them, and you thought that maybe, if Billy saw you he would turn back to normal. You were so wrong, Billy had followed you around the mall, he ended up punching you, Max, Mike hard enough to make you guys pass out. When you woke up El was gone. You woke up Max and Mike and the 3 of you ran back to the food court area to find them.

You saw Billy dragging El to the Mind Flayer. You saw Billy on top of El, she reached up to touch his cheek. Whatever she was saying, was making him visibly soften. You took this as your chance to pull El away from him. He turned to you, and for a second, he was himself again.

"I'm so sorry." That was what he said before he put his hands in front of the Mind Flayer's arm. The Mind Flayer stuck its other arms in Billy sides, it dropped him as everyone began to throw fireworks at it. You ran to Billy and hovered over him.

"Stay with me Billy."

"I love you. Tell Max I'm sorry."

"You're gonna be able to tell her that bub." You felt tears rush down your face as you looked at Billy.

"We're supposed to get married. You're my soulmate, what am I supposed to do without you?"

"I love you Y/N. I'm gonna miss you. " That was what he said before your world starting going back to black and white. You had collapsed on the ground, your body was shaking as you cried. You were brought outside and sat in an ambulance. You were still crying. You had lost the light of your life. You had lost the only person you were meant to be with, you lost all color.

Billy Hargrove imagines Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant