You Suck

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Everyone in Hawkins warned you about dating Billy Hargrove. Even Hopper warned but, you didn’t want to believe them, you were blinded by your infatuation with Billy, to see all the red flags that went up. You had thought you were meant to be, you and Billy had a special connection.

Your love for him was undeniable but, his love for you was like a loaded gun. He shot you down, like you were replaceable. Billy was more into your appearance than you were. You loved him a lot more than he could love you.

Billy started becoming way too predictable. It was 3 months into your “relationship” that he first cheated on you at some party that you couldn’t go to. He confessed, he apologized, he said it would never happen again but, then 3 months later he was playing a game of 7 minutes in heaven, he said it didn’t count as cheating because the girl only let him kiss her. This vicious cycle of cheating, then apologizing, then cheating again would repeat until the end of your relationship.

Billy had repeatedly stabbed you in the back. You felt defeated, lost and angry. You weren’t angry at Billy, well you were but, not as angry as you were at yourself. You knew your relationship wasn’t healthy, it wasn’t a good relationship, but, you still stayed with. You stayed with him despite his cheating, his lying, his temper, you stayed and you were so angry at yourself for that.

You were angry that you let his toxic behavior continue, you were angry that you didn’t listen to the ones who warned you, you were angry that you let him walk all over you, and you were angry that you trusted him. You couldn’t believe yourself. You should’ve ended the relationship a lot sooner than you did. Breaking up with Billy Hargrove was the best thing that you did for yourself.


It was November 8th, 1985. It was a cold winter day in Hawkins,  it was also your 1 year anniversary.  You had been thinking about breaking up with Billy for a month now, but, then he would be real sweet to you, then he’d mess that up.

Billy was supposed to be at your house at noon, it was now 7:30 in the evening, and he decided to come over now. You rolled your eyes as you heard him open your window and stumble in.

“Hey, look I know I was supposed to be here like an hour ago but, Tommy invited me over and we started drinkin’ and smokin’ and I just lost track of time. I’m really sorry, babe.” He flashed you his most charming smile but, you weren’t having it.

“It’s okay Billy, I wanted to talk to you about something that’s been bothering me lately.” Your voice was shaking. Your face looked worried.

“What is it? Are you okay?” if there was one thing that you liked about Billy was that, he always made sure you were okay. Even after you caught him cheating for the third time, he asked if you were okay.

“I think we need to break up. I am sick and tired of your cheating and  your lies. I can’t even trust you anymore! I’m not gonna be apart your sick little game anymore! Do you realize that I’ve wasted a year with someone who doesn’t even love me?” Your voice wasn’t shaking anymore, you angry, your voice was loud and confident.

Billy looked at you with confusion written all over his face.

“What do you mean? I love you! Why else would he dated for a year? You’re being ridiculous!”

“You have a pretty funny way of showing how much you love me! You cheated on me with Tina and Carol, more than once might I add, and you’ve lied to me more times than I can count! You don’t love me! You love having me around, you love that you have a hot piece of ass to show off around school! But, you do not love me!” You breathing was becoming irregular.

“Y/N, I love you! Okay? I wouldn’t spend a year of my life with you if I didn’t love you!”

“You, Billy Hargrove, really suck at love. You don’t know the first thing about love! You played me, you stabbed me in the back, you’re so predictable! I almost felt bad about breaking up with you on our one year, but, you don’t care! The only thing I feel bad about is that, you will not know what’s it’s like to care about someone the way I cared about you. You won’t know what it’s like to have someone to turn to. It was always another day, another bed for you. You’ve messed this whole thing up, Billy. You were good at hooking up but, man you really just sucked at love. I hope you find someone that you can love.”

The relief that you felt after getting all of that off your chest was amazing. Your breathing was still irregular, your chest was tight but, all you felt was relief.

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