Try For You

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Word count:1396
A/n: I was originally gonna base this off of RIP by Olivia O'Brien but I strayed away from the song and I also just almost deleted this whole thing so yeah.
Stay safe out there.

Not many people knew much about Billy's before he moved to Hawkins. You lived next door to Billy and dated him for 2 years. You broke up with a month before he moved, he distanced himself from you and he was a real asshole towards the end. You didn't even know that he was moving until you saw a moving truck in front of his house. You walked over to his house and he peeled away in his camaro. You asked his stepmom where they moving to, that was the first time you'd ever heard of Hawkins, Indiana.

The second time was when you're mom told you that your dad got a job offer from the lab in Hawkins and that you'd be moving in a week. You were kinda excited. A small part of you hoped that you and Billy could get back together. However you soon realized that wouldn't happen.

You had heard rumors about Billy as soon as you moved there. The rumors became worse when you walked into school. The last thing you wanted to do was run into Billy. After asking someone for directions you were able to find your first class. You walked and the teacher wanted to introduce you to the class.

"This is Y/n Y/l/n and she moved here from sunny California! You can go sit in the desk in front of Billy." She pointed to an empty desk and you saw that it was your Billy that she was talking about.

Fuck. You wished you could be anywhere else. You didn't even notice him when you walked in so, when she said Billy, you hoped it was someone else.

He barely looked up when you sat down. The rest of class went okay. As you were gathering your things together, Billy stood in front of you. You looked up and rolled your eyes.

"What are you doing here?" He sounded annoyed at the fact that you were in Hawkins.

"Excuse me?" You were kinda shocked by his attitude.

"What are you doing here? I thought I left you in California." Billy thinks he's better than you and judging by what you heard, he was dubbed as the 'King'.

"Fuck off." You walked away from him. You refused to deal with him right now.

The Billy you knew was sweet, he could be a real asshole, he would let his dad get to him and he'd lash out. He tried really hard to be sweet and honest with you. He would lay his head in your lap and let you play with his hair for hours. He'd talk to you about the your future together.

You could already tell that this new Billy was nothing like the old one. You met some of his friends throughout your day and they were horrible. You avoided him as best as you could, you had 2 classes with him so it was difficult but you made it work.


You had been invited to a party over spring break, Tina's parents would be gone, they left her alone in a house full of alcohol. You heard about her Halloween party, you were glad that you missed that one. It happened 2 months before you moved there.

Your friends helped you get ready, they knew about your past with Billy and they suggested that you dress sexy to 'drive him crazy'. So you did, but in all honesty you didn't really care about what Billy thought.

That night you partied your ass off. You made out with 2 guys, not knowing that Billy was watching you, with his beer in his hand and his knuckles turning white. You were getting wasted, you went to the kitchen to get another drink, you were pulled to the side by a firm grip on your arm. You jerked your head to see who it was.

"Let go of me, asshole!" Your words were slurring. You looked up to see who it was, only to see it was Billy.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing out there?" He was pissed, you didn't care though.

"I-It's none of your f-fucking business, Hargrove." You pokes him in the chest and moved again to get another drink. He followed you to the kitchen.

"Do you wanna be known as the easiest girl at school?" You poured another shot and drank it while rolling your eyes at him.

"You're known as the easiest guy at school so what does it matter?" You were getting pissed off and annoyed and the drunker you got the louder you were.

"And besides, it's not like we're dating. So get off my fucking back!" You friends could hear you so they rushed to your side. They took you home and you went to bed. You don't remember the rest of the night. Apparently Billy called you 3 times that night, your friends answered, they said he demanded to talk to you and refused to believe you were sleeping.

You figured you'd call him back and talk to him when you were both thinking clearly. So you waited until the day before spring break was over.

"Hargrove residence, Max speaking."

"Hey Max, it's Y/n, I was wondering if I could talk to Billy?" You could hear her yell for Billy and then you heard him yell back at her.

"Hello?" He sounded sleepy, like he just woke up.

"Hey it's Y/n. I was wondering if we could talk?" You bit your lip, Billy never liked having 'talks'.

"I guess, do you want me to come over?" You thought about it for a second.

"Sure, that'd be great." You were freaking out now, Billy was coming to your house.

"K, I'll be there in like 10 minutes." He hung up and you ran to your room to get dressed. As you were pulling up your pants, you heard him knock on the door. You pulled yourself together and opened the door.



The air around the 2 of you was awkward. You gesture towards your couch and offer him to sit. You sat by each other for about a minute before you decided to speak up.

"Look, I don't want me living here to be weird for us. My family's probably gonna be here for a long time because of my dad's job. And the way you acted towards me at that party was weird."

"I'm sorry about that, I just miss you. I didn't think I would but, I thought I left you in California so it was easy to not think about you and the 3 months later you show up. You fucked with me. And then to see you making out with those guys at the party, it drove me crazy."

"I'm sorry for yelling at you at the party. You fucked with me too. You were my sweet Billy in California, you'd get mad because of your dad but other than that you were sweet to me. Then I come here and I hear shit about you fucking every girl that walks, or that you beat the shit out of the Harrington kid all the time or how there's a rumor about you almost killing a kid! You did a 180 on who you used to be and who you are now!" He was silent for a minute.

"I think I need you back in my life, Y/n. You made me that way, I was happy when I was with you. I haven't been fucking happy since you dumped me."

"Billy, I can't see myself getting back together with you. I'm so sorry but you're so different, I don't even recognize you anymore." Billy was quiet again, he put his head in his hands and rubbed his face.

"So, do you think, that if I were to get my shit together, that you could get back together with me?" You thought about it for a minute. Realistically, if he cleaned up his act, you could see you and Billy getting back together.

"You know what, I can. But, you gotta really work on it." Billy started grinning and he got up to leave. You walked him to the door. He got to his car and called out your name to get your attention.

"I'm gonna try for you, Y/n. You'll see."

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