Turning Out pt 2

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A/n: I kinda hate the ending but idk what else to do w it but I hope you guys like this!!! Not super dialogue heavy or Billy x reader heavy so sorry.

You hadn't seen Billy in a year. After your split with him, you avoided him at all costs, it became easier when summer came around, he had a job at the pool and you were packing your bags to move out to Washington for school.

You had done everything in your mind to get him out of your head. You ended up going back to Hawkins after a year of school, you transferred to school closer to Hawkins. You didn't think that you would miss that place but a year away from friends and family can change that.

You had asked Steve Harrington if there were any job openings at the mall and fortunately enough for you there was an opening at Family Video. You were kinda happy to be working with Steve. He was good looking, nice, funny and he had great hair. You had been trying to move on from Billy. Steve seemed like the perfect person for that.

After a month of flirting with each other and another month of Robin begging Steve to ask you out already, he finally did. He asked out to the movie theater in the mall with the promise of dinner after. The movie was Ferris Bueller's Day Off, it was a great movie, you couldn't focus on it though, you could hear Steve laughing and it made you want to keep him laughing.

Dinner was great too. You guys stayed so long that the waitresses had to tell you that it was closing time. When you were with Billy, you never had this much fun on dates. You hated saying that but it was true. Steve had managed to make you feel butterflies in your stomach, you weren't even nervous for this date. You felt so comfortable around him.

When you and Billy dated, it was only for 5 months but, you were nervous for every date. There was something about dating Billy that made you feel like you had something to prove. Maybe it was the stares you got from other girls around town, or maybe it was because your parents weren't big fans of Billy.

After a year of dating Steve, he proposed. You guys discussed the topic of marriage a lot, you both decided that you were it for each other. You guys found a little place outside of Hawkins and you guys moved in together.

In all this time you hadn't seen Billy. You had successfully avoided him for a year and a half. You had seen Max a couple times, you refrained from asking about Billy.

You were at the newly rebuilt mall with Dustin and Steve. You were shopping in the gap, your friends wanted you to have something cute to wear at your bachelorette party. You felt someone tap your shoulder, when you turned around you didn't think you'd be met with Billy staring at you.

"Hey Y/n."

"Oh hey Billy, it's uh good to see you." Billy was looking you up and down like he used to, he stopped at your left hand he noticed your engagement ring.

"Wow. You're engaged, who's the lucky guy?" Billy was feigning excitement, it was easy to tell.

"Uh, Steve Harrington. I'm actually shopping for an outfit for my bachelorette party." Billy bit the inside of his cheek.

"That's great. I was gonna ask if we could talk about what happened between us but, if you're too busy, it's fine." You knew this might not be a good idea but, fuck it.

"Yeah, I'll meet you at the park by the Wheeler's house at 7."

You left the gap to find Dustin and Steve.  You explained what happened to Steve, and that you would be meeting Billy later that evening. Steve insisted on going to make sure you would be okay. You agreed but, you told him that he would have to sit in the car the entire time.

You and Steve had gotten to the park and you got out and sat on a bench as you waited for Billy. You heard him walking towards you and he took a seat on the bench. It was painfully silent as you waited for him to say something.

"I'm gonna start off by saying that I'm sorry for everything, including what I'm about to say." You took a deep breath as you were trying to mentally prepare yourself for whatever was about to be said.

"I feel like I'm gonna sound crazy for saying this but, I don't think I ever loved you. I think I thought I loved you because you said it to me first. I mean I thought I felt those butterflies everyone talks about but, I realized that those butterflies was actually me feeling like I was gonna fuckin puke. I felt a weird amount of pressure when we dated and I have missed the feel of you but, I don't actually miss being in a relationship."

You bit your lip hard, your mouth began to taste metallic from the blood of your lip. You had finally put Billy behind you and now he was doing this. You were about to speak up but, Billy wasn't done yet.

"I know what I'm saying is super fucked up but, I didn't want to hurt you I think that's why I said it back. I figured if you fucked up and gave me a normal reason to break up with you, it would be easier. But you were perfect, you didn't do anything wrong. That's when I broke up with you."

"So, you realized that you didn't love me and that I would have never done anything to jeopardize our relationship so instead of telling me and at least letting me know so, that we could have came to a mutual agreement and possibly stay friends, you just decided that fucking me up emotionally would have been better? Fuck you." You ran your hand through your hair and you got up.

"I'm so glad we had this talk Billy, I'm gonna get back to my fiance and we're gonna go home and plan the rest of our wedding."

You walked away from Billy. That would be the last time you saw him. You and Steve got married, the ceremony was beautiful and the reception was the most fun you had in a long time. You had gotten over Billy, you finally felt like yourself again.

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