Remembering Billy

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Word Count: 1,054
TW: mentions of death, not eating, overall sadness.
A/n: an other sad one comin at ya. I'm sorry these more recent posts have been sad. This was like the first fic idea I've had that wasn't prompted by a song. I hope you like it and again I'm sorry for all the sad fics.


It's weird, the things you remember when you see someone die. It was like time froze. All of your memories of Billy coming at you left and right as Jonathan Byers pulled you away from Billy. One minute you were next to him telling him you love him and the next Jonathan Byers ran at you and dragged you to safety. You couldn't peel your eyes away from Billy. It was odd, you had forgotten so many things and now those forgotten things were coming back to you.

You remembered when you first saw him, he had taken your parking spot. Like he literally pulled in as fast as he could and you almost hit him. You rolled down your window and flicked him off. You had to park in the farthest parking spot from the school and you were almost late to your first period. This interaction is what started it all. You couldn't believe you forgot something like that. It was a small moment in your life but, it was what started your attraction towards Billy.

You remembered your first conversation with Billy. Tommy H had came up to you, he said something stupid that he meant as a compliment but, him saying "Hey y/n, nice tits.", didn't really sound like a compliment to you. So you told him to go fuck himself which made him say that he'd rather fuck you instead, and you couldn't help but gag. Billy was stood next to him and he started laughing at how you rejected Tommy. Tommy tried to get Billy to leave with him but he stayed to talk to you. He found out that you were in 3 of his classes and that you sometimes spent your free period in the gym and watched your brother's basketball practice.

You remembered the first time Billy snuck into your room. He wasn't expecting your desk to be in front of your window so, when he came in he fell right on his face. Which caused your parents to run up to your room, Billy quickly hid under your bed and you laid on the floor, acting as if you fell. Luckily your parents bought it and left you alone for the rest of the night. You and Billy stayed up all night talking about everything and anything that came to mind. You both fell asleep at 5 am. You woke up 2 hours later to your alarm going off and you both decided to ditch. That was also when Billy asked you out.

You remembered your first date with Billy, he took you to get dinner and then he took you to the quarry. You sat on the hood of his car, just talking and eating. He grabbed a blanket out of his backseat and you guys laid next to each other while looking up at the stars. He told you how beautiful you looked that night. You felt your heart flutter at his words and you placed a small peck on his lips.

Then the memory of your first fight came. You had heard rumors of him cheating on you. You were sure that they were just rumors but, you wanted to let him know that Tommy was talking shit about him. You hated Tommy because he just wasn't a good friend to Billy or a good person in general so, you were kinda hoping that this would prevent Billy from hanging out with him. Instead it started a fight, you were both crying in the end. You never thought you'd see him cry, you were wrong. Towards the end you would end up seeing him cry multiple times, you were happy that he trusted you enough to be vulnerable in front of you. In the end, everything was okay and he told you he would talk to Tommy.

Your favorite memory was the memory of him saying "I love you, Y/n" for the first time. You were driving around town, windows down, sunglasses on. It was a hot summer day, it was literally a month ago. He placed a hand on your thigh, he looked at you deeply. "I love you, Y/n", he said it like he had said it a thousand times before, he had but they were all practice runs said in front of his mirror. You looked back at him, with a giant smile plastered on your face. "I love you too Billy." You gave him a quick kiss and sang along to the song on the radio.

That was just a month ago. Now you saw as the life left his body and that stupid monster was being blown up by fireworks. You weren't even supposed to be here but, with Billy's strange behavior, you followed him here. You were terrified, you were losing the love of your life and there was absolutely nothing you could do about it. You felt the world crashing around you as paramedics pulled you out of the building. You couldn't breathe, you couldn't stop crying, all you wanted was to hug and kiss Billy, you just wanted Billy but, he was gone. You couldn't feel anything, you couldn't hear anything, you couldn't talk. What was there to say? All you could do was remember the amazing things about your boyfriend. You don't remember how you got home but, you did. You woke up in your bed, instinctively you reached over to the other side of your bed, it was cold. You were sobbing, your parents came in your room and they did their best to console you. They knew what happened, Steve told them when he dropped you off.

The next couple of days were spent crying, not eating, and barely sleeping. You went to Billy's funeral, it threw you through an other loop of emotions. You stood with Billy's family when it was time to accept condolences, you stood by Max and held her hand. It was a small gesture that let her know you were there for her and that you always would be. You'd never forget Billy, you promised yourself that you'd always remember him and remember the short time you had with him. You'd do your absolute best to be there for Max and to help her get through this. It's what Billy would've wanted.

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