Parker and Harper

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Your son, Parker, started acting out at school, which only further proved that he had his father’s temper. You knew he could sense what was happening between you and Billy. You had fallen out of love, you stayed together for awhile, for your kids, you still cared for each other but, you didn’t love each other. You both thought that was what was best for your kids, you were both wrong when Parker’s teacher called you in for a meeting after school.

“Mrs. Hargrove, I’m sorry to call you with such short notice but, Parker hasn’t been focusing in class, he’s been fighting with the other boys, and I hate to even ask this question because I know how amazing you and Billy are but, is everything okay at home?” You could tell that she was concerned.

“Actually, no, things at home have been very hard recently. Billy and I aren’t doing so great.” You said after.

“Have you told Parker? Or Harper?”

“No, we were staying together for them but, I don’t know it’s hard.”

“You know sometimes our children can sense these things before we even tell them.”

“I think I’m going to talk to Billy tonight, and we’ll probably tell Adam in the morning.”

“I think that would be best Y/N, if you need anything please do not hesitate to call.”

“Thank you so much Mrs. Levine”

You called Billy as soon as you got home, you asked what time he would be home, and told him that you both needed to talk when Adam and Maxine went to bed. Soon enough Billy came home, and you ate dinner as as family, and you put the kids to bed.

“Billy, I think Parker knows that something is not right between us and he’s acting out at school.”

“Do you think we should tell them?”

“Parker, yes, but, I don’t know about Harper isn’t she too young?”

“I see your point but, how do we explain this to a four year old?”

“I guess we’ll figure it out, we have to tell them.”

“Alright let’s tell them tomorrow morning, it’s Saturday so we won’t have to worry about Parker not going to school.”

“Okay, this is happening for real now. Billy, you know I still care about you right? I really mean that. When we’re all said and done I want you to still be by my side when everything gets too rough, and you’re still going to be my best friend.” You could feel the tears start to slip from the corners of your eyes. Billy reached his thumb over to your face to wipe the tears away.

“I still care about you too, I will always have your back Y/N, we were each other’s best friend back in high school and a something like divorce ain’t gonna change that okay.” You saw tears in his eyes, you kissed his knuckles for what was probably the last time and you went to bed.

You woke up early, you didn’t know if it was because of nerves, or because of the sun peaking through your curtains but, nonetheless you got up and started making breakfast. You heard the pitter patter of tiny feet making their way to you, you felt Harper grab your legs, you smiled and held her while you were scrambling eggs. Soon you heard Billy telling Parker to wake up. After you all ate you went to lay Harper down for an early nap.

“Good Morning Parker, we need to talk to you.”

“Why?” Parker was already in a sour mood.

“Well, buddy we heard that you’ve been fighting at school, and that you aren’t paying attention in class. We didn’t raise you like this, Parker.” Billy was trying to be stern but, you saw the slight sadness in his eyes.

“So, who cares? Dad, you told me that you used to fight in school all the time! Why does it matter if I do it too?” Parker raised his voice. It was your turn to try and calm the situation.

“Because, just like your dad, you’re acting out. Your dad, Mrs. Levine, and I think that you know something not good is happening between us” At this Parker started to cry.

“I heard you and dad talking to each other a long time ago! You guys said that you didn’t love each other anymore! Why? Was it my fault?” Parker was yelling now, he was hyperventilating.

“Parker William Hargrove, don’t you dare blame yourself for this. There isn’t anyone to blame. Your dad and I just don’t love each other anymore, sometimes moms and dads just fall out of love but, that doesn’t mean we don’t love you, we love you and Harper very much.” tears were falling down your face. Billy decided to step in.

“Listen to me buddy, nothing will change okay? Your room is gonna be the same, you and Harper will stay with me on the weekends, sometimes two houses are better than one right? Your mom and I care about each other very much, we won’t ever stop caring about each other.” Your whole family was a sobbing mess.

“We thought that if we stayed together for as long as we could that it would be good for you guys but, we were wrong and we’re so sorry Parker. This is for the best for everyone Okay? This is something that you do when you love someone, or in this case two someones. We’re doing this for you and Harper. We love you both so, so, so much. Everything is going to be okay.” You and Billy were trying to make as much sense as possible to get Parker to understand.

“I love you guys too. Does Harper know?”

No, we haven’t told Harper yet, she’s too young to understand. But, when she’s older we’ll tell her okay? She’s only four so, we’re probably gonna tell her that dad got his own house so that he doesn’t have to share with me anymore. But, you’re 10 so, that’s why we wanted to tell you this because we knew that you would understand.“

”Okay, can we hug as a family? Like for awhile?“

”If that’s what you want buddy then we’ll have a big family hug“

If you could freeze time, you would do it right now. With your family, with your kids that you loved so much, and with your favorite person in the world.

Billy Hargrove imagines Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant