Just a Dream

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Word Count: 982
Warnings: it's vvvv sad, if there's anything triggering in this please let me know!!!!!
A/n italics are a dream type thing

"Y/n" you turned to face Billy, he slipped his hand into yours. The way Billy looked at you made you feel like you were the only girl in the world.

He led you out to his car, Max was already waiting. Throughout the drive you made small talk with her, Billy soon dropped you off at home, he told you that he'd be back that night.

Later he snuck in through your window. You stayed up for hours talking about anything and everything. Billy leaned up to you and as soon as he touched your face, he started to fade.

Slowly everything started to fade, your eyes opened and you reached over to the right side of your bed. Empty. It was just a dream. You got up to look at your calendar. Today was the day, it was his funeral. Taking a deep breath, you began to look for something to wear and then went to shower.

In the shower you cried, that dream was the dirtiest trick your mind could've played on you. It felt so real, his voice was like right there, it was so close. His hands felt rough and calloused and real.

You got out of the shower and soon enough, you were at the funeral home. Mrs. Hargrove invited you to stand with them as people came up to them and offered their condolences. You agreed and stood by Max, you squeezed her hand tight.

When you found out about what was happening at the mall, you drove as fast as you could. You knew Billy was there, you had a been having a feeling that something was going on with him but he had been avoiding you.

Then you saw him being killed by that hideous monster. You don't remember much but, you remember how you ran to try to pull him out the grips out whatever was killing him, you were pulled back by Jonathan Byers. When Billy's body hit the ground, you ran to him. You begged him to stay, you told him that you wouldn't be able to do life without him, that you needed him. After he said his final goodbyes to you and Max, you held his lifeless body in your arms until a paramedic dragged you away from him.

You felt someone nudging you, Mr. Hargrove was motioning for you to go up and speak. You grabbed the speech you prepared out of your purse and walked up to the podium.

"When I first met Billy, a single word passed through my head, that word was 'wow'. As I got to know him, more words come to mind, like 'soft', 'loving', 'caring', 'funny', 'smart'. Not a lot of people got to see the soft side of Billy. That side of him was reserved for me. Billy would come over to my house and we would talk for hours about everything, we were planning our future together. We had it all figured out, I would've been in school by now, he would be a mechanic and in a year we would probably be married with a kid. Billy loved his family, he wanted to do everything he could to protect Max from getting hurt by this world. He did a pretty damn good job at protecting her in that mall. I will miss Billy everyday. I cannot imagine a life without him. Rest In Peace, my sweet boy."

You walked away from the podium and ran your fingers across his casket, you placed a soft kiss on the top of and sat by Max. You tried to pay attention to the rest of the speaker but, you had memories of Billy going through your head. Memories of your first date, when he met your parents, the week before the mall incident was when you guys planned everything out. The look of happiness on his face when you told him that you wanted to have a future with him, is not a memory you want to forget.

When the funeral was over, you and Max drove around town. You both needed a distraction from the past few weeks. You got ice cream, went on a walk at some random park, you eventually had to take her home.

After a few days, you decided it was that you needed to go visit him. So you picked up some flowers and cigarettes and drove to his grave site. You sat on the ground staring at his headstone.

"Hey Billy, we had your funeral like 6 days ago. It was a beautiful service, I miss you so much. I just wish you were here. I've been dreaming about you a lot more. It all seems so real, it feels like you're right next to me, and then I wake up and I just start fucking crying. Because you're not there, you're not in my bed with one arm around me, you're not snoring in my ear. Life isn't fucking fair you know? You had been dealt a rough hand, with your mom leaving and your dad being a human piece of shit."

You reached into your pocket and grabbed the carton of cigarettes and placed them next to him.

"I brought these for you, even though I hated your smoking habit, I miss the smell of it in my room. It's one of the things I miss most actually. I'm sorry it took me awhile to visit you, to be honest I thought this was all gonna be some hellish nightmare that I would wake up from. I'm so scared to not have you by my side, I don't know what to do with myself anymore. I just miss you Billy. I love you so fucking much."

You stayed for another before saying goodbye and going home. You were going to get through this, it would take some time but, you would heal.

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