The promise ___ and Gojo made flashed through her mind in a split second, making her heart well up at their words. Shaking her head, ___ huffs. If it means that he'll be well taken care of here, then she'll take the risks.

"Fine." she says.

"Thank you, ___. I know this might be a little overwhelming for you, but this is a big help." Yaga nods his head and dismisses the girl. "He'll arrive next week."

"So we got a brat on our hands now?" Gojo clicks his tongue and scratches his head.

"If we can put up with you, then we can handle another one." Geto snickers, causing Gojo to slap the boy's shoulder.

___ couldn't help but wonder what type of personality the kid was going to have. Judging from the picture she was provided with, he seemed like a pretty happy child, maybe a little shy but she can always work on that. A child's nature is to be curious, to be adventurous and to be boisterous. There's no doubt in her mind that the kid will warm up to them; Gojo and Geto seemed like they'd be able to handle a child's endless energy and stamina.

However, she couldn't help but grow nervous at the thought of babysitting a child. She had never actually taken care of a kid younger than ten years old. They didn't really know a lot about the world yet, it'd be hard for him to tell the difference between right and wrong. Watching over a child was one thing, but they were practically going to raise him. The outcome of the child would depend solely on how ___ teaches him, and now that she thinks about it, maybe this was a bad idea. She was only sixteen, a total teenager - a young adult if she was really pushing it.

She was just hoping that the child at least knew some manners.

I wonder if he's like Megumi, she thought, thinking back to the time when Gojo and her sought out Toji's son. Then again, they were raised in two completely different environments.

Seeing a black car pull up at the entrance, ___ pats her uniform down to look presentable before turning to the two bickering boys beside her.

"Hey, quit it! He's here." she hisses. Gojo and Geto immediately close their mouths shut as the door of the car opened to reveal a young raven-haired boy with striking yellow eyes.

"Thanks, mister!" he chirped brightly, waving the driver a goodbye before slamming the door close. ___ makes her way to the boy and offers to carry his backpack, to which he declines.

"Thank you onee-san, but I'm a big boy now." he beams at ___. "You're very pretty though! May I offer you some apple juice?"

Gojo and Geto stifle a laugh as they watch the interaction. This little guy hasn't even been here for more than a minute and he was already hitting on ___.

"Hey, kid. Sorry but my little kōhai here is off limits." Gojo slings an arm around ___, shooting the boy a smug smirk. ___ rolls her eyes.

"Are you serious?" she mutters. She crouches down to the boy's level and pats his head. "Don't mind him, Nishikawa. He's just teasing."

"Call me Hayato." Nishikawa rummages in his bag for a carton of apple juice before shoving it in the girl's face.

"My offer still stands." he says.

"He's asking her out on a date!" Geto cackles, kneeling over to catch his breath. "Gojo, this kid has more balls than you and he's only five! Step your game up, man!"

Gojo grumbles underneath his breath as he glares at Nishikawa. Oh, how he'd love to just squeeze this kid's head, he was already getting on his nerves.

"Oh - uh, I'm okay. Thank you though." ___ holds the boy's hand and makes her way to the dormitories, leaving Gojo and Geto by the gates.

"I don't like that kid." Gojo mutters, crossing his arms.

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