xliii. the fall of the mikaelsons

Start from the beginning

"I'm going to die." Kol groans in pain as they drop him onto the couch.

"You're not going to die." Klaus responds.

"That sounds familiar." Kol sarcastically laughs. "Isn't that what you said to Finn?"

"Look, Lucien engineered his venom from the seven werewolf packs, so maybe, that's the key to a cure." Klaus voices his idea.

"Oh, great." Freya exclaims, looking over her youngest brother. "That's the first piece in a puzzle none of us will be alive to solve. I'm poisoned, Rebekah is hexed, and our brothers are bitten. We need three different cures to three different ailments, each of which could take years to find, and none of us will make it through the day."

After they calm Kol down Freya and Cullen begin to brainstorm a way to save everyone, the leading idea being to put them all into a sleep like state until they could find a cure. The penthouse suddenly fills with noise, pulling the witches attention away from their plan as Hope begins to cry and Klaus' phone rings. Jumping up from her seat Cullen goes to get Hope, carrying her into the living room as Klaus stares at the two of them, listening intently to whoever he was talking to.

Once Klaus ends the call he walks over to Cullen, gently taking ahold of Hope's hand before sending her an urgent look, one that told her she wouldn't be happy with what she was about to hear. After putting Hope back down Klaus gathers everyone, telling them about Marcel's crazy idea to put Klaus on trial for his sins.

"It's not a trial. This is suicide. Take Cullen, take Hope, get the hell out of the city." Elijah looks towards Klaus, the bite on his own arm beginning to worsen. Hayley had since entered the building, hearing about Elijah's ailment.

"No." Cullen speaks up. "We won't leave here." Before anyone else can speak Kol wakes up, frantically moving around. Elijah, Cullen, and Hayley jump to calm him down while Freya pulls Klaus to the side. The conversation seemed to be forgotten as Kol quieted, Klaus walking into the other room.

Taking a breath, Cullen looks around at her family, needing a minute she walks into the bedroom, stopping when she sees Klaus place a letter into Hope's bag. "No." Cullen shakes her head, tears coming to her eyes. "No."

"Cullen." Klaus whispers, standing from his position near Hope to walk over to his wife. "I'm sorry-"

"No." Cullen cuts him off, only getting angrier at his soft tone. "No. We just got married. We've been married for two days. We haven't even gotten to live yet. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. This isn't fair."

"Cullen." Klaus repeats, placing a hand on her cheek. "Some time ago I refused to trust you with our daughter. I took you from Hope. I was wrong. Take care of her. And remember that I will always love you."


Shaking her worst thoughts away Cullen makes herself busy as her and Freya work on the spell. She stands back watching as Freya writes the Mikaelson's names down on a piece of paper, preparing. The feeling hits Cullen before she gets the call from Rebekah and before she even picks up she knows it's over.

"Rebekah." Cullen answers the phone, her voice wavering. "What happened?"

"Nik found a way to stay alive, but he won't be joining you." Her words cause tears to fall from Cullen's eyes as her head drops. Sucking in a breath she tries to calm herself as she listens to Rebekah, knowing they would have to work fast if they wanted the plane to work. "Our plan worked. Now it's up to you, Cullen. Make his sacrifice count."

"I will." Cullen tells her. "Hang thight. I'll come for you soon."

Hanging up the phone Cullen reaches across the table, handing Freya the dagger that had been used on Rebekah. Freya nods comfortingly as Cullen's hand shakes, the older witch grabbing ahold of her hand, squeezing it reassuringly.

"We have to do the spell." Freya tells her. "We've got this."

Cullen nods, taking a seat across from Freya as the two join hands. The witches begin to chant, getting louder as the spell goes on. Cullen can feel it begin to take affect as Freya's grip loosens and then suddenly it's completely gone and Cullen and Hayley are left, surrounded by the lifeless forms of the Mikaelson's.


Cullen and Hayley work together to round up the Mikaelson's, placing them in their respective coffins. After packing them away in a moving truck Cullen gives Hayley a moment alone with Elijah as she stares off into the night, looking at the bright city of New Orleans.

"I'm done." Hayley whispers, wiping some stray tears as she joins Cullen outside. Cullen nods, closing the back of the truck as the two woman face one another.

Cullen brushes some hair out of her face, trying to keep herself from crying as she thinks about Klaus. "Um, I-ah- I'm just gonna drive. I'm just gonna drive for a while and see where I end up. I'll find somewhere safe to go and- I-I'll give you a call once every things figured out." Hayley nods, knowing that the women had decided to split up. Hayley staying in New Orleans, keeping an eye on things while working to help Cullen find cures for the Mikaelson's. "I want you in Hope's life." Cullen tells Hayley, pulling the woman into a hug. "Please don't leave me to."

"I won't." Hayley tightens her grip. "The minute you call I will be there."

Cullen sighs as the women pull away. "I'll see you soon." As they part Cullen can't help but let the tears fall, even as she opens the car door, Hope turning to look at her. "I love you." Cullen whispers, placing a kiss on Hope's head before she turns on the truck, driving away from the city that had taken every thing from her.

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