xiv. until we meet again

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       A GASP LEAVES her lips as Cullen wakes up

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       A GASP LEAVES her lips as Cullen wakes up. Her mind is blank for a moment as she glances around at the empty church, it seemed no time had passed. Memories suddenly flash through her mind as she glances back at the bloody alter, memories of her giving birth, of her child, and of her death. Looking towards the door an emotionless expression crosses her face. She had never felt more powerful. She could feel the craving for blood crawling through her body, but she could also feel her magic. It hadn't gone away.

Using her magic to travel through the astral plane, she lands in the cemetery. Cullen waits a moment, trying to listen for her baby or Klaus. When she hears neither she begins running, stopping when she finally hears Klaus and Elijah's voice.

"Then we move faster." She hears Klaus say.

"Or smarter." Cullen speaks up causing both men to face her. Looks of amazement and confusion passing over their faces.

"Cullen." Elijah is the first to speak, it's Klaus though that walks over to the witch, placing his hands on her face.

"Cullen." Klaus whispers, looking over her. "How are you here?"

"I woke up in the church. I felt this hunger..." Cullen explains, pulling away from Klaus. "I knew what I needed. I can feel her. She's here. I can feel my baby."

"You died with the baby's blood still in your system." Klaus turns to Elijah. "She's in transition."

"I still have my magic." Cullen tells them, causing both their eyes to widen.

"That's unheard of." Elijah states, shaking his head. "It's not possible. It's meant to break the balance of nature."

"I don't know." Cullen tells them. "What I do know is that I've never felt stronger."

Klaus nods, glancing between Elijah and Cullen. "Let's go." Exiting the crypt, they walk deeper into the cemetery, stopping when the hear chanting.

"No!" Cullen screams when they turn the corner to see Genevieve with a knife over the baby. Using her new found magic, the ground around them begins to shake causing Genevieve and the other witches to fall to the ground.

The witches quickly regain their composure, using their own magic to send the trio flying back. "You fools! To come against us in our place of power in our strongest hour? You don't face three, you face us all!" Monique yells. Splitting up the three of them go to take on their own witch, Cullen moving towards Genevieve. Before she can reach her, Klaus is able to kill one of the witches, the power of the elders diminishing.

With only Monique left, the girl grabs the dagger Genevieve had dropped. Moving towards the baby, Cullen stops her fight against Genevieve as Monique raises the dagger. Before she can do anything she's hit with a cursed object, the blade causing cuts to appear all over Monique's body. With the two other witches dead and Genevieve distracted, the savior, Marcel grabs ahold of the baby, Klaus following behind him.

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