lxvi. you may both kiss the bride

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       "I LOOK LIKE a disco ball

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"I LOOK LIKE a disco ball." Freya comments as she looks at herself in the mirror. Her and Keelin had decided to get married today, and while that brought Cullen joy the impending darkness creeping around in her daughter still worried her.

"Relax." Rebekah exclaims, handing Cullen a glass of champagne. "There are plenty more to choose from."

"Never thought I'd be walking myself down the aisle." Freya sighs, still thinking about Elijah's rejection.

"I'm sure Elijah will come around." Rebekah tells her.

"I don't know. I mean, the Elijah I know would put anything aside for family, but... he's different now. He's... carrying around all this guilt, like he should be punished for the rest of eternity for killing you, but... he didn't even know who you were when he did it. Kind of pisses me off." Freya turns towards Rebekah and Cullen, zeroing in on her sister. "No offense."

"None taken." Rebekah sighs. "It wouldn't be a Mikaelson family gathering without one of us being mad at another one. Just wait till you have kids."

"If we have kids." Freya mumbles.

"If?" Cullen arches an eyebrow at Freya. "Keelin doesn't talk like it's an if."

"We haven't... exactly had the conversation." Freya shrugs.

"Oh." Rebekah laughs. "Well, don't you think you should do that before you walk down the aisle?"


"This was scheduled a year ago. We're not changing it for you." The wedding planner shakes her head as she looks at the couple in front of her.

"Well, you see, my older sister really likes this venue. And she will be getting married here today." Klaus compels the woman. "Unless, of course, you want this wedding to turn into a funeral."

"God you are evil." Cullen jokes as they walk away from the woman.

"It's part of my charm." Klaus quips, wrapping a arm around Cullen's waist. "Did you get everything worked out for today?"

"Yes." Cullen nods. "Freya, Davina, and I all worked on a barrier and protection spell for me today so I should be able to be around Hope for the rest of the day."

"That's good." Klaus smiles, kissing the top of Cullen's head. "I know she misses you."

"Cullen, Klaus." A familiar voice interrupts them. They both turn to see Rebekah walking towards them, a worried look on her face. "I spoke to Kol."

"Spoke to Kol about what?" Cullen questions, pulling away from Klaus' hold to meet Rebekah.

"You haven't told her?" Rebekah questions accusingly, turning to her brother.

"Haven't told me what?" Cullen glares at Klaus.

"Davina says that the dark magic is destroying Hope from the inside out." Rebekah explains. "It's only a matter of time before it kills her."

"What?" Cullen gasps, glancing towards Klaus. "I knew that it would be a lot of magic for her to handle, but I didn't think it would kill her."

Klaus shakes his head, turning his attention to Rebekah. "How do we stop it?"

"There's nothing we can do." Rebekah tells them, tears in her eyes.

Cullen's eyes widen in shock, her hand reaching down to grasp Klaus'. "How long?" Cullen breathes out.

"Weeks." Rebekah states. "Days... maybe hours. There's no way to know."


Cullen had just barely pulled herself together by the time the wedding started. She tried her best to wipe the last of the tears from her face, but it was probably still obvious she had been crying.

"What's wrong, mom?" Hope questions as her mother joins the rest of them.

"Nothing, sweetheart." Cullen whispers as Freya, Elijah, and Klaus begin to walk down the aisle. "I'm just happy I get to be here with you." Hope smiles in response, stepping closer to her mother as her father joins the two them.

"Dearly beloved." Kol begins. "Now, not to make this all about me, but we know how families work. Sometimes it's dinner, and sometimes it's daggers. Now, I don't know why it takes something as special as this to wake us up, to make us aware of the beauty in the moment, during the moment, or to be grateful for what we have, while we have it. Now, I, for one, am grateful for today, and I'm grateful for all of you. Keelin, when I first met you, I would have never predicted that you would become my sister. Now, you're strong and beautiful, and deserve nothing but the best in life." The entire family watches as Freya and Keelin give their vows and for just a moment everything is perfect. Cullen isn't worried about her daughter dying, or the powerful magic that has been keeping them separated. All she thinks about is how lucky she is to have met Klaus and found this family who's love is incomparable. "Now, by the power vested in me by a Franciscan monk in the th century, and by the Internet a few hours ago just to be on the safe side, I now pronounce you married. You may both kiss the bride."

Everyone cheers and Cullen's smile grows even wider when she hears Hope mutter a quiet spell. "Tomar lento. Namaz amor." They all watch as the flowers placed above the brides bloom, the petals falling over them.

After the wedding comes the reception and the Mikaelson family does know how to party. Even though the gathering is small that doesn't stop the family from dancing and enjoying the night.

"I'm glad that we got married." Cullen whispers in Klaus' ear as they slow dance, keeping their eyes on Hope as she laughs with Keelin. "But I will say a big wedding with a pretty white dress would have been nice too."

Klaus let's out a small laugh, dipping Cullen before bringing her back up in a scheme to pull her closer. "How about after all this dark magic nonsense is over you and I have a real wedding, pretty white dress and all."

Cullen smiles at his words, placing a kiss on his lips. "Deal."

Their happy moment is ruined when Hope falls over into Keelin's arms. The entire family jumps forward, crowding around them. "Is she alright?" Klaus questions, him and Cullen the closest.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." Hope reassures them.

"Yeah. My medical diagnosis is too much champagne." Keelin laughs, not knowing what's truly wrong with Hope.

"Oh, yeah. Speaking of, I would like to make a toast." Hope exclaims, taking Keelin's glass of champagne from her. "This has been the best day ever. And you know what? You guys got a thousand years of moments like this one. And being a part of this one really made me feel like I'm part of 'always and forever,' too. So... cheers." Everyone repeats after, cheering to the thought of more moments like these. Klaus and Cullen can't help but stay silent, knowing that soon, their daughter would be out of time.

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