xl. the devil comes here and sighs

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"CULLEN! ELIJAH! FREYA. We have a problem." Hayley calls, running into the compound.

"What is it?" Elijah rushes towards Hayley, leaving Cullen and Freya to halt the work they were making on their sigil to trap Lucien.

"Lucien ambushed Klaus." Hayley tells them. "He knocked him around like it was nothing."

"Did he bite him?" Cullen questions, fear hitting her body as soon as the words left Hayley's mouth.

"No." Hayley shakes her head. "I think he wanted him alive. I followed them. Lucien took Klaus back to the penthouse."

Before anyone can say anything Elijah's phone buzzes. "Lucien is demanding my presence at the Whiskey Cask-- alone and immediately. He says if I delay, Niklaus will die."

"What, no." Hayley stops Elijah as he makes a break for the entrance of the compound. "Are you seriously going out there?"

Elijah sighs, facing Hayley. "I'm seriously going out there."

"Elijah, we put the deed to the compound in Freya's name so we make this place impenetrable. Now, you're gonna pick a fight with a guy who can kill you?" Hayley questions.

"Yes, when you put it that way... It does sound a little reckless." Elijah drawls.

"Elijah?" Knowing that there was nothing she could do from Elijah saving his brother, Hayley gives up. "Be careful."


"Alright." Cullen begins as Hayley and her walk through the French Quarter. After Elijah had left to deal with Lucien, Cullen and Hayley had left to help Klaus while Freya continued to work on the sigil. "Here's the problem-- I haven't been invited into Lucien's penthouse."

"Okay." Hayley nods. "Fortunately or unfortunately I have, so you can distract while I sneak in."

"I don't think it'll be that easy." Cullen arches an eyebrow.

"It's all we've got." Hayley shrugs. "The sooner we get Klaus out the sooner we can get Elijah back home."

Cullen sighs, shaking her head. "What is it about the Mikaelson brothers."

Hayley smiles slightly despite herself. She was still working on healing after Jackson's death. I don't know."

Cullen places a comforting hand on Hayley's shoulder, knowing she was still struggling with her feelings for Elijah and her remorse for Jackson. Just as Cullen suggests they make their way to Lucien's penthouse a sign catches her attention. "I think I have an idea."


"Well, it appears we have company." Aurora smirks, turning away from Klaus. "If it isn't dear Cullen."

"Aurora." Cullen drawls, glaring at the woman. "It's said to see you're still breathing."

"Ooh, you cheeky little minx!" Aurora grins, amused by Cullen's words.

"Get out of here, Cullen." Klaus snaps causing Cullen to look past Aurora. Her eyes soften a bit as she takes Klaus in, arms shacked around a poll as he hangs from it, knees on the ground.

"Shut up, Nik." Aurora turns to him. "This is between us girls. Though, I suppose I will let you listen to her cries as I tear off her limbs like the wings of a pretty little butterfly."

Cullen sneers, knowing Aurora couldn't kill her even if she tried, but she had to bait her. That was apart of the plan. "Please. You couldn't kill me even if I gave you a head start."

Aurora's fake attitude drops as she speeds past the threshold and towards Cullen. "You really did not think this through, did you?"

"Actually, we did." Cullen states. Speeding from the elevator Hayley lunges towards Aurora, both of them falling into the building where Cullen couldn't enter. Hayley's able to get the upper hand, though as she straddles Aurora, plunging her hand into the redhead's chest.

"Stop!" Klaus yells, causing all the attention to turn to him. "She drank the serum."

With that small distraction Aurora's able to push Hayley away, snapping her neck. Aurora lets out a shout of victory as she jumps from the ground, a wide smile on her face. "Nik, what a conundrum. Mother of your child over here--" She points to Cullen before gesturing to Hayley. "Woman of your brother's dreams over here. Which one should I kill first?"

"I'm the one who betrayed you. I'm the one you hate." Klaus pulls on his restraints, trying to break free.

"And they're the ones you and your family care for. So, what a pleasure for me to watch your face as I rip them apart." Aurora exclaims before turning to Cullen, her smile widening. "You know what? I believe Lucien has a pair of those fun little no magic cuffs. Why don't I fetch those." Before Cullen can make a move Aurora's sped back and forth, placing the cuffs around the heretics wrists.

"God, these are the worst." Cullen whispers more to herself than anyone.

"Yes, I would image those are very pesky." Aurora shrugs before grabbing Cullen, placing her in a chokehold. "Now back to the torture. Cullen have you ever experienced the pain of entering somewhere where you haven't been invited in?"

Klaus' eyes widen as Aurora pushes Cullen forward, knowing Cullen could not kill Aurora unless they wanted her to activate the serum. "Aurora! Please!"

Cullen can feel Aurora's grin tighten around her as she hears Klaus plead for her life. Forcefully Aurora slams Cullen into the invisible barrier, a scream of pain leaving her mouth as her body feels like it's being electrocuted. This was definitely not apart of the plan.

"Let her go!" Klaus yells, tugging on his restraints.

"Hush, Nik." Aurora calls over Cullen's screams. "Don't make her final moments any worse than they need to be." As the pain continues to radiate through her body Cullen can feel liquid running from her eyes, when it reaches her mouth she knows it's not tears, it's blood.

Letting out a yell Cullen slams her head back, catching Aurora off guard as both woman fall to the ground. Having Aurora momentarily distracted gives Cullen enough time to break the cuffs, snapping them in two. With her magic no longer restrained she begins chanting a spell sending pain through Aurora's head to keep her down. Reaching in her pocket Cullen grabs the syringe the girls had gotten from the drugstore on the way here, hurrying forward she jams it into Aurora's neck, watching as the woman loses conciseness. Letting out a sigh Cullen drops to the floor next to Aurora, the pain from the barrier still fresh in her body. Though when she turns to see the look of admiration on Klaus' face she can't help, but let a small smile of her own appear.


"Mission accomplished." Klaus mutters as he removes the spelled chains Lucien kept him in. "And it only took you the better part of a day."

"Do you want the chains back on?" Freya questions jokingly.

"You'd be doing us all a marvelous favor." Elijah speaks up, joining the three of them in the dining room. "Perhaps you could fasten something to his mouth?"

"Aurora's still out cold." Hayley informs them, following after Elijah. "What are the chances of keeping her that way?"

"Oh, Cullen's spell will keep her down long enough to use the serum in her blood to figure out a way to kill both her and Lucien." Freya explains, sending a nod of gratitude towards Cullen for saving her other brother.

"I must say, I'm rather looking forward to it." Klaus smirks.

"You're welcome." Cullen drawls.

"Yes." Klaus nods, walking over to Cullen to place a kiss on her head. "Thank you, love."

"Anytime." Cullen whispers lovingly, placing a kiss on Klaus' lips.

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