xiii. from cradle to grave

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       CULLEN SIGHS, LOOKING over the spell

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CULLEN SIGHS, LOOKING over the spell. "This spell is crazy complicated."

Klaus snatches the paper from Cullen pointing to a section of latin words. "Is this the bit, here?"

"Hey!" Cullen exclaims, snatching the paper back from him. "Like I said, it's complicated. Your mother bound protection magic to black kyanite stones. A werewolf with the stones is free from turning on a full moon." Ever since Elijah's peace summit Klaus had been doing his own meddling. At first Cullen and Elijah thought it was wrong, but after learning it would benefit almost everyone, but Marcel and his fraction of vampires they agreed to it.

"And what of the improvements?" Klaus questions.

"This spell will enhance speed, strength, and agility." Cullen mutters, her focus on the spell.

"There should be something in there about fangs, it's what our mother used on us when she turned us into vampires." Klaus explains.

"Not just fangs-- you said you want venom, so the bite is still lethal to vampires." Cullen tells him.

"Can you do it?" Klaus looks down at her stomach. Any day now Cullen would be having the baby and Klaus didn't what this spell to be the cause of it.

Cullen sighs. "Better me than Genevieve, right?"


"Elijah should have called by now." Hayley paces back and forth. While on the way back from getting the stones they needed Jackson and Oliver had been taken by Marcel.

"It'll be fine." Cullen tells Hayley. "Seriously Hayley, please sit down. I can feel the worry coming off of you in waves."

Almost as if they had been waiting for the right moment Elijah and Klaus walk into the room, carrying a bloodied up Jackson. "Thank god you're alive." Hayley gasps, grabbing ahold of Jackson, while Cullen slowly stands up, trying not to lose her balance.

"I'm fine, too, thanks for asking." Klaus drawls sarcastically, earning a glare from Hayley. Rolling his eyes, Klaus moves over to Cullen, placing a supporting hand on her back so she can take some of the weight off.

"What about the stones?" Cullen questions, glancing towards Klaus.

"Scattered across the bed of the Mississippi, I'd imagine." Elijah answers.

"Marcel's not a fool." Klaus speaks up. "He knows an empowered werewolf army would mean the end of vampires in New Orleans. The explosion is his way of saying he means to prevent that. For all the good it'll do him."

"Well, it did him pretty damn well, didn't it?" Hayley interrupts.

"This is my fault. I'll find a way to fix it." Jackson exclaims.

"No, Jack, you're hurt. No one's blaming you." Hayley shakes her head.

"I'm blaming you. Those stones will be hard to replace." Klaus begins as a grin pulls onto his face. "Fortunately, I always have a backup plan."

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