The Original Terrible Two

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Henry's POV

Geranium has to know what's going on. He always knows what's up.

Delilah's POV

How could Dad have not called me back by now?

Dylan's POV

What should I do now?

Poppy's POV

How could he?

Nalin's POV

What the hell did I miss!?!?

Poppy's POV
*Crash* The vase shatters against the wall, sending shards of glass in all directions. Damn it I missed! Why can't he just hold the hell still?! I'm surprised the oaf can even stand, much less dodge flying pottery. He reeks of alcohol and cigar smoke. His clothes are stained, crumpled, and in a whole, ruined! How can one man cause so much destruction and care so little?

"What the hell Poppy! Just stop it! I haven't done anything!" My idiot husband yells at me, sending spit flying from his lying lips. My only response is a growl as I reach for something else to throw. My eye catches the television remote. Picking it up I wildly throw the small object at Nalin. It hits the side of his head with a loud thud. I hiss in success. I finally hit the bastard!

"Damn Poppy that hurts!" Nalin slurs while clutching the slowly forming bump upon his crown.

"Good you arrogant piece of sh*t!" I yell in frustration. How could I have possibly married such a blockhead? Nalin groans in pain before sliding down the wall and laying on the ground like the pathetic mongrel he is."How could you?" I whisper yell. "How can you possibly be so irresponsible and lazy and selfish!?"

"I don't,uh, I don't know what you mean hun." He mumbles before regurgitating all over my nice clean carpet! That's it. That's the last straw.

"You horrible asshole! You had one freaking job! All you had to do was watch our damn kids while I was away on business for one freaking day! AND NOW WE DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE THEY ARE!" I yell with the force if a hurricane. How do you just lose three teenagers? All you have to do is freaking call them every other hour, set and enforce a curfew, and know what they're plans are! That's all it takes to watch three teenagers for one damn day. It's.Not.That.Hard.

"But-cough-hunny I do-spit-know where the kids-cough-kids are." He lies pathetically.

" Oh is that so? Then do tell me dear husband. Where are our children?" I question him sarcastically. He always lies. I should expect nothing less from him at this point.

"They're at the white house." Nalin spits out tierdly. He then proceeds to roll over onto his back, lying on his on vomit without a care in the world. This is really just pathetic.

"Go take a damn shower you simpleton." I say bitterly before stalking off into the kitchen. Hopefully the idiot at least bought the groceries like I said to. It's not like he had much else to do. Especially since he didn't even watch the damn children like I said to! Why can't he do anything right? Oh, where did everything go so wrong? We use to be happy, back when he was still competent. Now a days though, he's just a stupid, lazzy, incompetent drunk. How could he let this horridness happen? How did I let this happen?........

Thump. Thump. Thump. Nalin trudges up the grand stair case with heavy feet. He always was a heavy walker. Come to think of it, the only time he ever tip toed was when the kids were young and sleeping. Oh how times have changed. That's life though, it's best to just deal with it and push on.

"Ooooh Poppy!" Nalin calls down from upstairs.

"What Nalin?" I snap.

"I fiooounnd my phone." Nalin calls happily. Suddenly I hear a series of long hard thumps. I sigh in the knowledge that my husband has just fallen down the stairs. Again. Striding out of the kitchen I make my way to the staircase. While I walk I try not to notice the chips in the paint on my once prefect walls. Just as I try to forget about the small pile of glass in the corner of the kitchen on my beautiful tile, and the whole in the wall in the upstairs halfway that is currently being hidden by an old family photo. Henry and Delilah must have only been ten when that photo was taken, and Dylan eight. It's strange how time flies like that. It's strange how people can change so much in just a few years. How adoring little balls of love can change into distant creatures. It's simply strange, nothing more and nothing less.

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