Hardships To Bear

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                                       Delilah's POV

          Soccer, sports, track, running, Basil, soccer sports, track,running, Basil, soccer, sports, running, Dylan, Henry, Basil....

                                       Dylan POV

                 This isn't going as well as I would like.

                                       Henry's POV

     If he doesn't stop talking about my sister I'm going to hit him!

          Dylan's POV

     Staring lazily at the chalk board I wait for this cruddy class to be over. This entire mod is a complete mess. The kids are talking, the teacher is half asleep on his desk, Nettle is here, and Basil is upset with me. Fabulous. Honestly I don't know what he wants me to do about this. Okay lie. It's obvious that Basil just wants me to tell him that it's Nettle. That it's always been that f@cking devil. It always will be that asshole. Always....

     Thump--"Sh#t" I say as I feel a hard slap on the back of my head. Slouching down farther in my seat I stares at my shoes. Of course I had known that this would come. How could it not? I'm just the stupid nobody whose been running away from reality, but now it's finally caught up to me. This, this is real life this, with Nettle, not in Basil's strong caring arms. That's only the fantasy of a stupid little b!tchy nobody. I shouldn't even be able to have fantasies. Fantasies are for people that actually need a different reality. People who need a different reality because their real life is so horrible. My life isn't horrible, everything that's happened to me is what I deserve. What's happening to me is nothing compared to what happened to Delilah, and she still doesn't day dream. I deserve everything that I get, and Nettle knows it. Nettle is just doing what's right. So it's best that I don't fight him about it. Sadly though I'm still a selfish coward and I still run and try to fight. Not now though, right now I'll do what's right.

    I lower my head as Nettle slides into the seat next to me."Where you been Dylan? I've missed you."Nettle says, taunting me with the fact that he can be so close to me and I won't do anything about it. I deserve this.

   Shrugging my shoulder I do my best to avoid eye contact."Hey baby, look at me when I'm talking."Nettle growls at me. Slowly I raise my head and look up, still avoiding his eyes. The rest of the class seems to all be on their phones or talking loudly in the corner. Meanwhile the teacher is fast asleep, sitting at his desk. Horah for public schools.

   Nettle slaps the back of my head again and angrily says,"God you're more stupid than I thought. Look me in the damn eyes!" Suddenly I'm yanked up by my hair as Nettle forces me to look him in the eyes. His dirty brown crap colored eyes. Nothing like Basil's sweet milky chocolate ones.

  Damn I bet I'm shaking so much that my eyes are even shaking. Nettle would probably love that. Dammit why am I such coward?! Why can't I just take what's coming like a man? "Listen loser. I know that you've been avoiding me and that's going to stop. One way or another I always get to you. So why do you even bother? Are you even listing you piece of sh#t?"

  Cowardly I mumble,"Yes Nettle."

  "That's what I f#cking thought." He sneers. Then gets up to walk away. Wow he's leaving just like that. I didn't think it would ever be that easy. Sighing in relief I sink lower into my chair. The only thing he told me was what I already know. Obviously I'll still ignore him, but I'm going to have to be even more careful now. Now I have to ignore him and keep Basil away. If Basil ever met Nettle during one of our alone time encounters,well that would be messy I'm sure.

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