.....Well Then

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       This whole chapter goes out to one of my best friends and devoted reader @RainbowsAndAll. Happy birthday girl,I hope you enjoy it :)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                        ****Dylan's POV****

       You know that feeling you get when you're on a roller coaster? Your excited, scared, full of adrenaline, and feel like you have to pee but you don't really have to. Well this isn't what I'm feeling at all, because I'm a man and men never feel like that. Okay lie. That's exactly how I feel right now. The school is my theme park and Basil is my roller coaster. Funny to think how I never use to like roller coasters, now I can't seem to get enough. It's still only the one ride though, if I tried any other I would freak and go back to sitting on the bench, the old me. I still am the old me of course, that's just me......but now I'm more willing, and bold.

      Walking down the empty hallway to my locker to grab my stuff I can't help but feel like I'm being watched. Peering over my shoulder I can't see anyone, but it still feels as if someone is there. Shrugging it off I look forward again, and am assaulted by Basil's brown eyes. Jumping back twelve feet I blink and look again. He's no longer there. What the actual hell? He was there, then he wasn't. There's no way he could of ran away that fast, all I did was blink for Satan's sake!.........Unless of course he's a weeping angel, but that's just my inner fanboy talking. I'm probably just tired and seeing things that aren't really there. It's crazy but it's the only thing that makes sense.
     Continuing down the hallway I feel the air grow colder. When I breathe out my mouth I can see my breath in small puffs. What, did the school not pay the heating bill again? Freaking asshats. Next thing I know the lights begin to rapidly flicker on and off. That's, not...suppose to happen.... What the hell is going on?
      "Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I hear a shrill scream pierce through the cold air. For some odd reason I run away from the malevolent noise. That's not right, I should be running towards it. Someone might need my help! But my legs simply won't listen, they keep running down the hallways away from the girls never ending wail.
        "Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"  The scream is closer to me now. That shouldn't be able to happen either, I've been running away from it after all. Suddenly my blood chills under my skin and above my shaking bones. For I now realize that the scream is chasing me, and I am it's reluctant prey that runs from its jaws of death. How does this even happen!?!? It makes no sense whatsoever, in any possible way!!!!
        I hear another scream right at my back, but it's too late, I've already dived through the gym doors. Slamming them behind me, the scream silences. I stand still and wait for the next play. Whatever it is that's stalking me will either leave or come through this door. Waiting is agonizing, but finally I hear it, it's soft and slow at first, but gradually picks up speed and sound. The clear and shrill scratch of nails scraping the door, trying to cut through to the other side. Afraid and scared, I turn around to look for help, and come face to face with Basil.
      Breathing a sigh I relief (I'm not sure why) I look up at Basil's dark face. His face is solemn, but his eyes still hold his familiar glint that keeps me from running, and his lips are sporting his usual easygoing smile. At seeing this I shake my head, causing my black hair to jump around. At least now my legs aren't the only things shaking.
       I open my mouth to ask my saviour why he would be smiling at a time like this. Surely he can hear the scratches coming from the other side of the door, he'd have to be deaf not to. Before I can ask him though, he grabs the back of my head with his right hand, and his left arm reaches around my back, pulling me closer to him. Shocked, I look up at his eyes and wonder what he's doing. Opening my mouth, yet again, to ask him what the hell he's up to, I'm roughly stopped. Suddenly his warm lips are moving against my cold ones. Out of no where my body responds the exact opposite way that I tell it to. I start to kiss back just as passionately as he is. My hands find their way into his curly hair and roughly tug against his roots. Apparently he gets off on that because in response he roughly pushes me against the wall, never once breaking his hold on me. His tongue forces it's way into my mouth, exploring my little domain. I can't seem to help it when a small moan escapes my lips. He pulls harder at my hair and pushes against me with more force. I push back as well, but it's obvious who's in charge here.
     Suddenly he pulls away from me(much to my reluctance) and speaks. "Mr Sorrel, wake up!" The voice that emerged from his troublesome mouth wasn't his husky voice in the slightest. It almost sounded like the janitor's caring voice. I twitch up my eyebrows in confusion. What the hell is going on here? Are we gonna f$ck or is he gonna mimic the janitor?

      "Dylan, you need to get the hell up, now!"

    Rapidly blinking my eyes, I take a look around. The setting has changed. Instead of being pressed up against the wall by Basil's torso, I'm laying down on the table in the janitors closet.


                                        Henry's POV

                                 ......almost time..........

                                       Dylan's POV

                    ......It was all a F*cking DREAM!!!!!!

                                       Delilah's POV
                          I bet I could beat superman.

                                        Dylan's POV

       My chest rapidly rises and falls as I gasp for air, very much needed air. I cannot believe that I was having that type of dream about Basil of all people. Sure he's hot and smart and athletic and kind and funny and-STOP! There is no way I like him, that would be stupid. Little nobodies like me ever end up with the hottie, not in real life. So it's best to focus on the other part of the dream, the part where I was being chased and almost killed...I think? It's kinda hard to decipher. Almost like a really really bad B rated movie. Ugh.

       Once my breathing is settled I look up again. The janitor stares at me with a hard look. I guess I must of skipped class again, woops.

       "Kid, the deal was that you could stay here when you have a free period, not just whenever you have a wet dream." She says to me.

        I feel my face going red as soon as she finished talking. There is no way I got off on that crappie dream of all things. Sure enough though, my jeans are tighter than normal, in a certain area. God freaking dammit! Aahhhhh, why me!?!?! All I wanted to do was take a nap before I had to go to lunch with Basil, alone, in a giant empty room, with hard wooden large tables and desks......why don't I want to go again?Hmmmmm--Oh yea. Right. Because, just no. No. NO! That kind of thing just doesn't happen in this cruel world. Plus I don't like him anyway. I hardly know the guy at all, well I don't know anything about him that matters anyway. I know all about his basic life, but it's nothing like the the stuff a boyfriend would know, or even just a friend for that matter. Yea, Basil could be a jerk who kicks puppies on vacations too wonderland for all I know! Yup that stupid popular can kiss my ass for all I care. And I care very very very little, like there is zero caring happening. Zero, none, zip, zilch, nada, nothing.........totally.


         Whatever. Sighing, I apologize to the janitor, grab my bag and swiftly leave the closet (wink wink.) Time to have a nice friendly, awkward, stupid study/lunch date with the cause of my wet dream.

        Rushing down the hallway I think of dead puppies and old people, which luckily helps relive the tightness in my jeans. Once I get to the door of Ms. Belle's room I stand outside for a moment to think of dead people, and then finally open the door. The room looks normal as always, desk set up in neat rows, equations on the wipe board, a shirtless Basil covered in white liquid, the periodic table poster was tacked to the wall. Yup nothing new......Oh, right. I am totally screwed.



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