Who Is This Really About?

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                                      Delilah's POV

        'Take my hand we'll make it I swear, woah living on a prayer'[A/N: Bon Jovi, living on a prayer]

                                      Dylan's POV

          Just be calm, just be calm, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep-NO! God dammit Pixar.

                                      Henry's POV
                              Time to F#ck shit up.

                                       Dylan's POV

          Walking down the hallway from my locker to the media center I consider backing out and calling in sick. I most certainly feel sick, grrrrrrr what's wrong with me? Come on Dylan man up, keep yourself together. It's only a stupid meet up to discuss what our tutoring routine will be. It's not as if Basil is going to beat me up or anything. I hope. I mean, it's not like he doesn't have reason to. He is being forced to tutor a pest like me, which I'm sure doesn't sit well with his real friends. In fact I bet he even regrets catching me yesterday because someone might of seen. Being caught with me isn't a good thing for anyone in the school, even most teachers avoid me. The damn teachers, the ones who aren't supposed to have sides and are suppose to protect everyone, always seem to turn a blind eye when me and Nettle are in the same room.

         Nettle, that brown eyed spiky haired dick. He thinks that just because he's some cutie little bad boy with an even hotter and cooler older brother, that he can do whatever he wants. Which of course he can. Nobody's going to stop him because nobody wants to stop him, everyone else loves Nettle. I'm the only kid that could be treated by him the way that he does without anyone reporting it. If it was someone else, than I'm sure that a friend or teacher would have gotten involved by now, but I'm not someone else. I'm me and I love that. Okay lie, I'm not really all that in love with myself, like at all. Yup.

          Don't you love how one minute you're walking down the hallway and the next minute the ground is rushing towards your face. You'd think that after all the times I've had it happen I would be making goo-goo eyes at it, but no. It's impossible to love tripping over your own feet and slamming head first into titanium hard cement. So when in a swift motion I felt a strong arm reach out and grab me by the belt a mere second before I made-out with the floor I was both pleased and extremely surprised. While one hand was gripping my belt at my back I feel another one dart out and grab me by my left hip. Hell fire! That hurt. I still have a bruise there from yesterday. That hardly matters now though, because the next thing I know I'm being smothered by a soft, woodsy smelling fabric. Through the fabric I can feel a well toned chest, that I'm sure fits the rest of the complexion. Who the, what the hell?

          Once my head stops spinning and the feeling of dizziness is practically gone, I start to freak out. Who the hell would catch me? Who the hell is this toned? Who the hell would want to catch me? As these pixies fly through my head only one name comes to mind that truly stands out from the rest. Nettle. Dear God it's probably Nettle, he caught me so that he could beat me up himself. He's just so sweet like that. The Jackass. Deciding that I'm not going down without a fight I try to jerk free of his grip. The arm on my hip only holds me tighter and pushes me further against my mystery savoir. Well dammit, I guess that's not going to work. I suppose I could always try screaming for help, but no one's at school yet, and asking for help really isn't my style anyways.

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