The Other Terrible Two

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                                           Delilah's POV

        We should probably tell Basil not to tell the cops the truth.

                                           Dylan's POV

                                    Hospitals are horrid.

                                           Henry's POV

                                     *swearing horribly*

      Dylan's POV

"Basil..." I whisper."I uh, I didn't, I mean. *Huff* You don't have to be here you know." I try to sound grumpy but of course I'm smiling while saying all of this. Stupid face muscles. I'm just to damn happy that he's here and safe. When I had awoken and he wasn't here I thought that maybe Nettle had went after him.

"Sure I did. What else are friends for?" Basil smiles.

"Friends..." I murmur. My fingers gently come up and trace my lips, the memory of my perfect place still fresh in my mind. In that place Basil was my boyfriend. In the real world he isn't. I need to remember what's reality and what isn't.

Basil moves to sit at the end of my bed. The sheets crumple and the bed squeaks under his weight. He doesn't look angry like I thought he would. He also doesn't look like he's about to murder someone, which is good. No, all Basil looks is happy and relieved. I hope that I didn't make him worried. I'm not worth worrying over, not really. So there should of been no reason to worry at all, but that's just who Basil is. He'll worry about anyone that he wishes to. Which is probably like every lost boy and kicked puppy in existence.

"Dylan what--" Basil whispers low and cautiously.

"No." I say sternly, cutting him off.

"But Dylan--"


"If you would just--"


"Why not?" Basil pleades using his stupid puppy dog eyes. Damn those stupid ass gorgeous eyes. I am not going to talk about what happened right now. Not ever in fact.

"I said no Basil." I say in a monotone voice. Basil sighs at the end of the bed and hangs his head low. The poor jackass. All he wants to do is help but I won't let him. It's all for his own good of course, but still. I can't handle seeing him so down.

"Basil?"I say slowly.

"Yea,"He mumbles sadly.

"What's your favorite color?" I ask bluntly. If this doesn't cheer him up eventually than I don't know what will.

Basil lifts up his head and raises a suspicions eyebrow."White."

"Weird. Is there any reason for choosing a not color as your favorite color?" I ask playfully.

"White is totally a color." Basil argues.

"Is not." I retort.

"Is too."

"Is not."

"Is too!"

"Is not!" Basil and I have an intense stare down. His chocolate sweet eyes vs. my wild jungle eyes. By now I'm sure that this will be to the death. We're both far too stubborn give away any ground. I dare not blink because he might take it as a sign of weakness, and by the looks of it Basil has the same thought in mind. Suddenly my nose twitches. No! Sh#t no! Not now!"Achoo!" I'm forced to blink and turn my head when I let out a sneeze into the crook of my arm. Dammit!

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