The Difference In The Same Eyes

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Dylan's POV

Have you ever walked into a room and seen this: a shirtless male, with white liquid slowly dripping down his muscular chest and to his waist line, creeping down over his jeans. Yup, me neither. Okay lie, that's exactly what I'm seeing right now, and God is it a major turn on.....wait, sh*t. Deep breaths buddy, deep breaths. Once my heart rate(and other areas) calm down I force myself to look at the shirtless god. He's got his stupid smile on and his eyes twinkle with amusement. In his hand I see a rag faintly covered with the white liquid as well. One rag, is not gonna be enough to clean that up my friend. Perhaps I should lick it off.....wait, sh*t. While shaking my head out of the gutter I hear a booming laugh in front of me. Looking up I see Basil hunched over in laughter. What the hell is so funny?

After what send like hours of him laughing and me looking at him like he's a mad man, he finally calms down and speaks. "Its not what it looks like, I promise." I raise my eyebrow at him, my signal for him to continue, so he does. "Before I came down here I stopped by the cafeteria with my friend and we kinda got into a good fight. I ended up throwing mashed potatoes at his head, so in return he poured milk and melted ice cream over my head."

Hesitantly I say, "Why didn't you just clean up there?"

Smiling brightly he says, "I didn't want to be late. Couldn't have you thinking I just skipped out, now could I?" Shrugging my shoulder at this I drop my bag into a seat and plop down into the one next to it. Or at least, I tried to sit in the seat. What I ended up doing was tripping over the chair leg and headed, yet again, to who apparently is my new boyfriend, named the floor. Instead of having an intimate moment with the floor though, sticky dark arms came out and wrapped around my waist.....again. F*cking again.

Once they pull me upright, they refuse to let me go like a regular persons arms would. Ya, instead of doing that, they pull me towards Basil's sticky warm body and press me against his abbs. Trying to squirm out of way they only press me closer to him. Again. F*cking again. The only difference from last time is that now I'm getting sticky white liquid smeared against my back and ass.

I continue to squirm around as he whispers in my ear, "I'll let you go if you speak." Oh he wants a challenge does he? Fine by me, I'm the youngest of three, I know how to win a stupid challenge. Still squirming, I keep my mouth shut and playfully, but silently struggle against Basil's arm's. "What? You wanna play this game with me? That's fine by me, Dylan." He leans down closer to my ear, so that his warm lips brush against it. "Fair warning though, I'm great at all sorts of games." This sends shivers down my spine. Stupid bone structure.

Still though, I keep my mouth firmly shut and try to wiggle my way out of his grip. He'll have none of that though, seeing as he holds me even tighter. He huskily whispers in my ear, "Dylan, Dyyyllaaaan, you know you want to talk to me." I firmly shake my head no, and trying to catch him off guard, I suddenly throw all my body weight to the right, trying to jerk free of his sticky grip. Frustratingly though, he manages to hold on to my waist.

"We can't have any of that, now can we." Basil grunts as he drags me over to the nearest chair and sits down, forcing me to sit in his lap because his arms are still firmly around my waist. Great, now I feel like a freaking five year old. Well either that or he's my pimp and I'm his little b#tch. I have a strange little mind......Any who, Basil seems to be unusually quiet for the moment. At realizing this, I freeze in my seat(his lap.) Suddenly Basil's body begins to shake and I soon hear him chuckle. That, cannot be good.

Basil continues to creepily chuckle as he says, "Surrender now or face utter defeat." I only pause for a moment to think about what he could possibly do, then shake my head no. After all, it's not like he would actually hurt me, were only playing. I feel him shrug his shoulder against my back while he seductively murmurs, "Alright, just remember that you asked for it." Scrunching my eyebrows together at this, I wonder what Basil could possibly be thinking. Out of nowhere I feel long slender fingers push into my sides. A laugh threatens to break from my lips, it takes all my will power for this not to happen. His hands continue to tickle my sides, trying to break me. Knowing that I'll crack if this keeps up I struggle furiously against him. Thrashing in his grip I attempt to get away, and do indeed fail. I have yet to utterly fail though, so I'm still winning. Technically, sorta, kind of. Whatever.

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