We Are In This Togeather

39 3 19

Delilah's POV

Sports, Dylan, Henry, Basil, chores, running, sports, Dylan, Henry, Basil, chores, running......

Dylan's POV

How does the most unlucky person in the entire world find a leprechaun at the end of the rainbow? Seriously, I need to know. It would be most helpful.

Henry's POV

How can I help someone that I'm never near?

Dylan's POV

Basil's car sits idly in the semi full parking lot, with us inside. I'm nervous, and pretty sure that he can tell. I wish that he couldn't. I don't like when people can see my weaknesses.

"You don't have to be nervous." Basil says, yet again reading my mind and telling me what I need to hear.

"Nervousness is a weakness, and weakness is a horrid thing that doesn't help anyone get anywhere." I say without looking at him. Before he can contradict me in some Basil like way, I open the car door and slide out. It's best to just get the day over with already.

"Dylan please wait." Basil says as he gets out of the car and catches up to me. I hardly slow down. I'm already slowed down by my own limp. There's no way that I'll be slowing down for anyone else. It's cruel, but necessary.

"Dylan come on. Why do you have to be like that?" He asks while placing a gentle hand on my arm. Without an order my legs stop moving and my body turns to face my new friend. Who the hell am I kidding? This jackass is my only friend.

"What do you mean?" I ask stupidly.

"You know what I mean." Basil says locking his eyes with mine. Why his gorgeous damn eyes want to look into mine is a mystery to me. Either way I shake my head no. This conversation seems to be going nowhere and is seemingly random. What the hell is this about Basil?

"You're happy when it's just us and we're alone, but then when we're with other people you just....you just aren't you..."Basil says sternly.

"How can I not be me?" I question in order to stall. Of course he's right. When I'm alone with him it's easy to get lost in those big brown eyes and forget that I'm not suppose to be with him. It's in those moments with him that I lose track of reality and let his beautiful fantasy settle in. But when I'm around others I am grounded to reality, to this world. So naturally when I'm in an environment with others I act differently. I act like I f*cking should in the first place.

"Dylan."Basil says sternly. Well, it looks like he isn't taking any of my bullsh#t today.

Why can't he just hate me like everyone else I love? That would just make everything so much f*cking easier."I don't know what you want me to say here Basil." I sigh.

"What I want you to say,"Basil says bringing me into a hug, is how you really feel." Why should that matter to him? To anyone?

"I feel....weak." I say faintly. Why did I just tell him that? That was personal, as in only for my person to know.

"How could you possibly feel weak?"Basil asks. He sounds so surprised and confused. In an attempt to comfort me though his arms hold me tighter. Damn this kid is kind. He's f%cking comforting me even when he doesn't understand why he has to. Surely this is more fantasy than reality again?

"How can I not? F¢cking you and my sister just saved my life yesterday, and you're still trying to protect me now. Meanwhile all I can seem to do is get the sh*t beaten out of me and trip over my own two feet like a clumsy git." I bury my face in his jacket. It smells like flowery detergent and feels softer than ever. Wait, when did he even get his jacket back? And why does it smell flowery?Whatever that hardly matters.

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