Another Slice of Life

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"What are you doing, Ilya?"

"Rain coat, an extra umbrella, and your own pair of rubber shoes." Ilya gently piled them on his organized locker. "There, now you don't have to worry about the rain anymore."

"Ah..." Damian let a smile form in his lips, "Thanks, Ilya. You didn't have to do this, you know?"

"Nonsense, this is what friends do."

Oh, Ilya. If only you know how touched this sapient bioweapon is from those words alone. The brunette looked over the smiling blonde, making sure that his skin's blemishes were truly gone, before poking him in the cheek.

"Come on, we have history together with Maria!" She motioned him to follow her with a wave of hand, and the shorter figure followed her without a single complaint out of his lips.

Entering the class, he saw Maria sleeping on one of the seats by the corner, her pale face buried in her arms, hidden behind those thick layers of dark, silky hair.

The cheeky Russian was about to slam her desk just to startle her, but Damian wisely convinced her with a shake of his head that it was not worth the risk of being found dead in a ditch, somewhere in the eastern part of the city. They took a seat next to her, respectively Damian-Maria-Ilya.

Contrary to what he said just earlier, he won't pass the chance of annoying the Italian's nap, but at least this isn't as risky or brutal like what Ilya was about to do.

"Do you like history, Ilya?" It was such a mundane, dull question. But at the same time, he was curious himself. "Generally, I mean."

"Navernoye?" The brunette giggled, "I like to know about stuffs like the Falklands war or Prohibition, but alas, we just have to learn about how many wives that obese English king has because that is more important."

"I don't want to sound like an emo, but our history subjects are just unnecessary, even for me." The blonde brushed his hair aside in between his fingers. Sometimes they just like getting in the way of his vision. "At least we get modern history this year."

"Mmmh," Ilya leaned to her desk, resting her chin on top of her palm. "Oh, fun fact. Russia is greatly hated amongst the eastern European countries such as Ukraine, Lithuania, Romania, Poland..."

He raised an amused eyebrow, while the girl just grinned.

"We have quite the list of unofficial enemies, you see..." She playfully rolled her eyes. "Maybe it's because we brutally occupied them for fifty years?"

"Remind me not to vote for you in the next election."

"Fuck off," Ilya snickered, "That reminds me, I haven't paid you for the breakfast last week."

"It's just kebab, take it easy."

"Hey, Marmar." Ignoring him, the brunette girl proceeds to tap the sleeping beauty by the shoulder. "Should I take Dimy here on a date?"

"As long it's not a strip club." The dark-haired girl answered without even bothering to lift her head. "Which is where you belong, bitch."

"We had a movie marathon last night, at Valeria's house." Ilya explained to Damian, who listened intently. "Unlike Val' and I, she doesn't like waking up early after staying up so late, that's why she gets all bitchy in the morning at times."

"I see, I see..." Damian nods to no one in particular. "Well, we should let her rest until class really starts..."

"Awww, that's so kind of you." He shrugged at that, only to realize that she was actually just making fun of him. Ilya shamelessly tapped Maria again. "He does care about you, see? Isn't that just romantic?"

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