Screw Everyone, I'm immortal!

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"Any last words?!"

Heller held the man- no, the thing that had tried to kidnap his daughter, killed his wife, and unleashed an outbreak so bad that millions of innocent people died within three weeks... and that was only counting the first outbreak.

The marine was further enraged when Mercer- Blacklight, so lazily looked up. Despite the gruesome fate of his limbs and the fact he is looking at who soon to be about his end bringer to both his life and noble cause, Mercer looked almost bored, maybe disappointed.

"Huh," He scoffed. "Welcome to the top of the food chain".


If you think that it would be so easy to kill him, think again.

Good fucking luck, Heller, A certain gloomy living weapon thought to himself with a smug smile. Taking me out of the picture and killing every infected in Manhattan means that Blackwatch can finally focus on their runner problem. You better get out while you still can with that brat of yours.

Pocketing both hands inside his dark leather jacket, Mercer quietly walked away from the building where he had his final confrontation with James Heller in silent resignation. Right now, he's not really feeling in the top shape, which is normal. Considering that he literally formed back into his humanoid form just by using what biomass remains from one of his severed arm that was torn apart by the evolved-on-steroid follower of his. Good thing it was thrown out of the rooftop, it would had been so much awkward if he just formed back beside him.

He quietly traversed the ruins of the once-crowded city, walking down the streets which has been decorated with debris, charred tank wrecks, mangled infected corpses... well, if you put aside the Blacklight flesh structures that had enwrapped itself into most of the buildings in Red Zone, this is probably what Syria looks like in your regular monday.

Hey, That's what he remembered from the memories of the many soldiers he had consumed. Was it a marine? No, must be a Blackwatch unit. It doesn't matter, just one of the victim in his ever-growing murder spree.

The biomass that had taken over most of the island has curiously stopped spreading, or growing. Depending on your view to them. He could feel it within the hive, they have just.... stopped. As if the cruel fate of a braindead patient. Somewhere between the brink of life and death.

Maybe Heller had somehow affected them? Perhaps they were affected by the devastator he had used after consuming him. With how much of them around, you starts to wonder how the government will handle all this shit. Let's start with the skycrapers, with one of said building has lost much of its foundation and found itself leaning against its neighboring tower. The only thing which keeps both building standing upright from falling apart by gravity were the biomass themselves.

The question of how to deal with them brought a thin, amused smile on his face. Guess that's another problem that the bureaucrats and workers needs to figure out sooner or later. Poor bastards, not like he'd actually be sorry for them.

Now, where was he....


"Shotgun, all infected in RZ Grid Two-Two has been wiped out! Repeat, the sector is clear!"

"Copy, Onyx One-One, we have received similar reports from other units." The man on the other side of the radio lets out a sigh. "Looks like its over, Red Crown is unresponsive. So stay in the AO until you receive further orders."

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