Rock, Paper, Cross!

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Mercer notes down the two big things hit the news ever since that day.

The first was obviously the news of Damian's action, who took down an active school shooter in 'self-defense' after he gunned down several of his own schoolmates.

He's watching one from FOX News, which was an aired replay from last evening.

"...Witnessed by the student named Heather, the very same girl who woke up in her own body bag after she was shot twice by a rifle! Damian Blackwater, our hero of the day, shows up on the scene and was taunted by the shooter, who was identified to be William Milton, a delinquent that was vilified by the students for his antagonistic nature, and quite the nasty marks left on his student records."

"He opens fired on the young man, and somehow, not only a single bullet managed to land on him, instead, he was completely unfazed by the threat and approached him with a bladed weapon in each hand! It was revealed that he took the knives from the cafeteria kitchen after sneaking out of his class through the window... which was located at the third floor!"

"That's right, people! He climbed down when everyone was distracted, and instead of running away to safety, he went back inside, grabbed a weapon, and confronted the attacker when the power went down in the school! After taking down the shooter, he immediately moved to help the young girl! If he's not a hero, then I don't know what to call him!"

The second news was about Heather's resurrection.

"...When interviewed by the reporter on the scene, the EMT swore that miss Heather was already dead, with no sign of life."

"...No pulse, no breathing, nothing. She had already got the death chill- We checked! Then, she just... Woke up! No wounds, no injuries, nothing!"

Despite the skepticism, further confirmation by those who were present seems to solidify this as an undisputable miracle.

The entire America is in an uproar, especially those of the religious folks. Many wished to meet her in person, believing that she was resurrected by the direct intervention of God, and her presence alone would bless them in His grace.

But Heather and her family went off the grid, citing privacy reason and needing time alone for themselves after what had happened. They took a flight out of Detroit not long after, and seemingly cuts off all communication with mostly everyone.

The young evolved was not included in that list.

"Not that I needed to keep her numbers." He shrugs, "I mean, since she's my 'pawn', I can track her wherever she go, the same way you can track me."

"Where is she, then?"

"I'm not telling."

He didn't pushed.

Alex ignored Cross' and Ilsa's light conversation by the dining room adjacent to the kitchen. According to the Ex-Blackwatch agent, Ilsa had almost gotten a heart attack when Cross showed up at the doorstep of her residence and identified himself and the reason for his sudden arrival.

Before things could escalate, Cross was smart enough to immediately defuse the situation by letting her know that he had worked together with Alex, back in the first outbreak. Cross also told her that he has already made contact with him in his 'extravagant, oversized mansion'.

She didn't shut the door in his face and unloaded her emergency handgun to it, so, he did something right.

The specialist refused to tell the details over what they discussed, simply telling the evolved to ask his friend himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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