Heart to Heart (NEW)

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"What you did wasn't actually bad," Damian hummed at the blonde who had returned back to her queen-sized bed, legs crossed together as she typed something on her phone. He had called dibs on the chair by her make-up table. "But Maria thought you left because of her."

"That bad?" He asked, almost like a whisper.

"She's sulking, you blonde ape." Valeria throws her smartphone aside, letting it land gracefully ontop of one of her pillow. "Maria was so saddened she asked us to leave her after an hour of trying to reach your sorry ass."


"That's right, Damian. 'Oh' is definitely your answer for all this." She reached for her other pillow, which she proceeds to throw into his face with surprisingly precise accuracy. He didn't even bothered to dodge, nor flinched at the impact. "If she becomes double-bitchy in her period this month, I'm strangling you with your own guts, before hanging you on top of Olympus Courtyard's tree and have everyone hit your necrotized corpse with a stick like its a goddamn pinata."

"Auch, I'm actually planning to talk to her," He grumbled, sulking back onto his seat, "Maybe tonight, I was planning to go straight to her."

"Oh, good idea. And then you have to meet her big daddy and let him know you just made her baby daughter so sad, and the next time we sees you it will be on the goddamn newspaper where the corpse of a dumb blonde had been dumped infront of his house after being reported missing for days." Valeria clasped her hands together, smiling at him with condescending look. "Fucking great idea, Dimy."

"I'm confused at that part, are you really mad at me for thinking about that or worried about my safety?"

"One, both. You dumb ass bitch. Two, her papa finds out, and despite how understanding he might be, he'll problably stop Maria from ever meeting you again, like, ever."

And that would mean that he can't see any of them anymore without Maria's father mysteriously disappearing, before reappearing with a change of heart and went on a vacation for a very long time... Maybe several decades worth of world travel. That, if he could keep the lie up for that long.

"I definitely overreacted, I gurss." The blonde evolved started, "And I unintentionally hurt her, and all of you in a way."

"For the latter, actually no." She shook her head, "Its nothing too serious, Maria could be irrational at this kind of situation as she's awkward in deep stuffs like this."

He stared.

"Think of it like this," Valeria coughed, "Let's say she asked you out, if you were some random acquaintance and you rejected that offer, she'll probably get pissed or just scoff at you. Like, wow, so many people in Olympus who wanted to asked her out and you rejected, your loss! But, when someone close like you, who she felt to be pretty close with or generally likes turned her down, a million things will be running in her head despite the calm facade she keeps up. Oh, am I just not good enough? Oh, did I did something bad to them without me realizing it? Did I looked ugly today? Was my make up perfect?"

Valeria flailed her hand around.

"That's just how she is, and since you left the group, and seemingly walking away from her, despite what you said that you'll return, she fears that you'll really leaves her."

"...Fuck," He facepalmed hard, suddenly feeling like the biggest douche in the world right now. The blonde weakly looked at his smartphone using his other hand, "I'm not even checking these messages, like, shit. I'm scared of what to see in it."

"Problably a dozen of paragraphs from Maria, about how everything will be okay, and how sorry she is for troubling you like this." Valeria shrugged, before resting her chin back in the palm of her hand. "I mean, I think she really likes you."

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