Research and Devolvement

175 19 7

Mercer hates making friends.

Sometimes, the evolved wished that he wasn't so cynical. But the harsh reality they live in care not for the feelings or opinion we have.

Friends rarely last long. The real friends? Possibly one of the most difficult thing to find in life as they could be so expendable, so unloyal, quick to leave you or change side when the timing is right, when the opportunity shows up.

So easy to disappoint, so easy to lie to you. Always expecting the best of you and asking for so much without giving anything in return. People would say 'No, that's how friends work' or 'You shouldn't be expecting anything in return'.

But that is complete bullshit. If you were to give a friend some of your time, is it really a difficult thing for them to return the favor? All it cost would be some of their time, and they'll be even. But these foolish humans believes that the concept of friendship are always give, give, and give.

He knows better than anyone because he is above them. It was obvious thst such excuse of a friendship are just toxic. Even if he were to point them out to everyone in the fucking world, nothing would change.

Sometimes, though. People just can't, or won't accept to change. These... 'conservatives', even if you show them how flawed and fatal their belief is, they would defend them to their death in their grand delusion of faith.

Sucks to be them, dying for what you believe in doesn't makes it right.

And Damian? As much as he liked the kid, he's getting a bit annoyed at how affectionate he is around his... friends. Can't he see that they're going to leave him sooner or later? When a more interesting guy shows up, they'll just slowly distance themselves and make a friend of that other guy. When they get bored of his little quirks, they'll just ignore him, ghost him, pretend to be busy and everything just to get him away from their lives.

Hell, they'd probably leave him by the time they graduates. Who knows? Isn't thats what usually happens anyway? And also, Damian never talked about going to college, anyway.

Alex would like to admit that sometimes, Damian has the mental capacity to probably succeed him. But every now and then, He's just a naive fool.

But maybe he knows anyway, maybe he's just denying the truth, pushing it away, just to be happy for the present.

Whatever, he could relate, actually.

Just a bit.

Without Damian knowing, Mercer had fully consumed the mansion and transformed them into one massive biomass fortress. From the very marbles to the steel bars. From the couches, to the chandeliers. This way, they could refurnish and redecorate their house whenever and in whatever shape they want. Oh, in case it hadn't been obvious, any humans who walks inside the mansion are basically walking on living biomass.

Maximum security.

Fucking convenient.

Mercer can't wait to troll that dumb blonde by transforming the entire hall into an eldritch gore passage with giant eyes on the wall. If that doesn't scares him, God knows what will.

Or maybe he can try that to his friends, let them scream and be so frightened they run to his embrace. Damian would gently brushes their hair, trying to calm them down while asking them what's wrong as they cried on his shoulder.

Damn, he's a fucking genius.

Oh, and also, he forgot to talk about his basement.

Yeah, that basement.

The one which he made by consuming the soil and turning the entire ground underneath the mansion into one massive biomass cavern? That?

Oh, he forgot to say mention about that.

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