12. The birthday Ball

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"No it doesn't." I say.

"Your mother means well really dear, everything will slowly come together." He tells me.

"What do you mean?" Before he could answer there was a knock at the door, it was my mother.

"All ready to go?" She walks in a gives me a soft smile which was unusual for her, "don't you look beautiful?" She asks, most mothers would say things like that to their daughters everyday for my mother it was very rare.

"She does indeed," my father replies.

"Let's get this ball started then." She said as she walked back out the room and down the stairs.

My father and I walk out of the room to the top of the stairs where everyone was looking as a voice says, "presenting Micheal Avery and daughter Y/n Avery." We walk down the stairs and the music started and I danced with him.

It was a tradition at these things to have an opening dance so that's what my father and I done as other people joined in the music then came to a stop and everyone stood and looked at my father as he started to make his speech.

"Thank you everyone for coming tonight, for my daughters 16th birthday ball, we also was some very important news for you all, myself and wife along with the Pucey's would like to announce the engagement of Adrian and Y/n." Round of applause was heard through the hall. "We plan to have the wedding once they have both finished their seventh year at Hogwarts." And another round of applause is heard.

This is what they was talking about, I'm trying to process everything whilst keeping a smile on my face.

"I hope you all enjoy the ball, and let Adrian and y/n take the lead on another dance."

Adrian is actually a fair dancer and it goes smoothly, I personally don't have too much against him apart from being a prick in quidditch but that's the Slytherin team as a whole.

The dance finishes, "Adrian can we talk please?" I ask him.

We walk to one side and start talking. "So what's up Avery?" He asks.

"Did you know about his whole engagement thing?" I question.

"I was told just before we arrived here." He says.

"Better than me, I found out the same time everyone else did." He looks a little shocked.

"Maybe it because they think you'll run away," he says laughing, that is something I would do if all that people weren't here. "How are you going to tell... sorry which twin is it you are dating?" We share a small laugh.

"Fred, I don't even know I'm going to have to tell him face to face, you seem nice Adrian, but I can't see us being married." I tell him.

"I don't want it either y/n it's something between our parents, I honestly have nothing to do with it, also if you need someone to talk to I'm always here." He says, was he being nice to me?

"Thanks Adrian," I pull him into a hug.

We go out separate ways and I see my parents talking to people, as I fiddle with the pendant Fred had brought me for my birthday, how was I going to tell him, he should know that this isn't what I would want anyway.

I walk onto the balcony that over looks the garden and my father stands next to me.

"I wanted to tell you before sweetheart, but your mother told me no." He said.

"You honestly expect me to get married to him, don't get me wrong he is a nice boy but I can't see myself getting married to him." I tell my father.

"You have to choice in the matter." He says firmly.

"I do though, I can't marry him and I won't!" I tell him standing my ground.

"You have to, we believe it will sort all this nonsense behaviour out and hopefully it will." He says.

"Whatever." I say walking back into the ballroom, I need to escape for a couple a minutes but it seems wherever I go someone is a couple of steps behind, I walk into the bathroom and lock the door behind me and open the locket.

I look at the photos and think of how happy being with Fred made me, living in this house just reminded me of the presence of dementors my souls felt like it was being sucked out.

The ball ends not long after midnight and I go off to my room my birthday honestly sucked, I wish it was just with my friends and not these stuck up people, I keep thinking over and over again how am I going to tell Fred about this?

A/n: the drama is starting from here the next couple of chapters will have more in don't worry about that.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin